This country page features an interactive, icon-based data dashboard providing a national-level overview of the status of children’s care and care reform efforts (a “Country Care Snapshot”), along with a list of resources and organizations in the country.
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Add New DataThe Children Act (Uganda)
Country Care Review: Uganda
Prevalence and number of children living in institutional care: global, regional, and country estimates
The National Integrated Early Childhood Development Policy Action Plan (2016-2021) of Uganda
Catholic Care for Children in Uganda: A Family for Every Child - Findings from a Midterm Evaluation
Data for this country care snapshot was contributed by a consultant with the Data for Impact (D4I) Project at Palladium Group LLC.
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Through the ‘InvestInUGChildren’ campaign, UNICEF has partnered with media outlets to highlight issues such as malnutrition, hunger, domestic violence, early marriage, poor health, and education in Uganda.
Through a study of the legal frameworks and court decisions of Malawi and Uganda, this article demonstrates that some of the most common restrictions on inter-country adoption do not serve the best interests and rights of the child.
Although not conclusive or exhaustive, this agenda represents a bold attempt to identify and prioritise key areas/research themes stemming from the Situation Analysis (2015) and other available evidence on the status of children in Uganda.
The purpose of the review is to provide evidence to support planning that will maximize the impact of the PEPFAR Uganda OVC portfolio.
This bulletin highlights the key objectives and key amendments of Uganda's Children Act Amendment of 2016. It also outlines the process by which the Bill was developed and approved and lays out next steps for implementing the Act and ensuring the rights of children in Uganda.
The State of the Ugandan Child: An Analytical Overview focuses on four thematic areas, namely: health and nutrition, education, child protection and child participation; with emphasis placed on the girl child.
The overall objective of this study was to deepen understanding on the experiences and support systems of grandparent-headed households with children of prisoners (CoP) in Uganda.
The Children (Amendment) Act of 2016 is an Act to amend the Children's Act Cap. 59 of Uganda to enhance the protection of children; to strengthen the provision for guardianship of children; to strengthen the conditions for intercountry adoption; to prohibit corporal punishment; to provide for the National Children Authority; repeal the National Council for Children Cap. 60 and to provide for other related matters.
This chapter first traces the etymology of the definition of “orphan” and its attendant “crises.” Then, using examples from Guatemala and Uganda, the authors consider how the idea of an “orphan crisis” has traveled from development to charitable responses and what effects this has on local child protection systems.
In this short video, Amanda Thorsteinsson documents the proliferation of orphanages in Uganda and the role of well-intentioned Westerners in contributing to this problem.