Displaying 91 - 100 of 146
Save the Children is recruiting a Senior Technical Advisor in Alternative Care (STA) to provide oversight of and ensure implementation of the Alternative Care Component of the Zambia Rising project.
This brochure outlines the Public Welfare Assistance Scheme, including its objectives, types of assistance provided, social and educational support provided, eligibility and how to access services.
This brochure outlines adoption policy and procedure in Zambia, including a definition of adoption, how it works, its limitations, requirements for adopting a child, and other conditions.
This brochure outlines the Public Welfare Assistance Scheme, including services related to inspection of child-care facilities and adoption.
This brochure contains information about foster care in Zambia, including the definition of foster care, its limitations, its importance, how to become a foster carer and how foster licenses are granted.
In order to strengthen the national response to child marriage, the Government of Zambia developed a five-year National Strategy on Ending Child Marriage (2016-2021).
This is a study from Catholic Relief Services that investigates the factors related to children’s placement in Catholic-affiliated residential care facilities in Zambia. According to this study, the government estimates that there are approximately 190 residential-care facilities located in Zambia, and of those 40 are Catholic-affiliated. At the time of this study, there were 1674 residents living in residential care.
This country brief provides an overview of data on children’s living arrangements in Zambia, extracted from the 2013-14 DHS survey.
This report from UNICEF and World Vision International documents country level approaches that respond to HIV and child protection challenges facing children and adolescents by linking both those responses.
Child Care System Reform - Temporary Appointment (TA) position