United States of America

List of Organisations

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List of Organisations

Michele Cranwell Schmidt and Julie Treinen - Child Welfare Journal,

This study from the Special Issue on Kinship Care of the Child Welfare Journal examined if kinship navigation services can improve family needs, caregiver self-efficacy and placement stability of children in the care of their grandparents or other relatives.

Child Welfare Information Gateway,

This bulletin for professionals in the child welfare field explores how caseworkers can identify and support children who are victims of human trafficking as well as children who are at greater risk for future victimization.

James Bell Associates with the Urban Institute - National Home Visiting Resource Center,

The 2017 Home Visiting Yearbook presents, for the first time, the most comprehensive picture available of home visiting on the national and state levels, revealing the breadth of home visiting in the United States and identifying the gaps in practice. 

Building Bridges Initiative ,

This document serves as a guide for implementing short-term residential care interventions; grounded in evidence-based practice, the Guide provides "7 essential elements of short-term residential intervention" with case examples from the field in the United States.  

Julia Lurie - Mother Jones ,

Julia Lurie takes an up-close look at the opioid epidemic in the United States, telling the stories of social workers working on child protection cases, parents struggling with addictions, and their affected children. 

Haksoon Ahn, Elizabeth J. Greeno, Charlotte Lyn Bright, Samantha Hartzel, & Sarah Reiman - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study sought to examine the factors associated with the length of foster parenting duration. Study results will contribute to developing implications for successful recruitment and retention policies and practices for foster parents.

Melysa Sperber and Jean Bruggeman - The Hill,

The recently Protection of Children Act of 2017 would expedite the process of returning unaccompanied children crossing the U.S. border to their home countries, making them more vulnerable to human trafficking. 

Bob Watson - News Tribune,

The NewsTribune reports Foster Care Bill of Rights signed into law in the state of Missouri, which requires prioritizing reunification, whenever appropriate, and permanency for each child who enters the care system

Kevin McCarthy - PoliZette,

Lawmakers are considering five bills to help families stay together and modernize and improve the United States foster care system. 

Meg Wingerter - KCUR,

KVC Kansas, a foster care contractor in Kansas, partnered with Child Trends to train foster parents and caseworkers about childhood trauma; results illustrated that if adults undersood the impact of trauma on the developing brain, foster children in their care were more likely to stay in one foster placement and have reports of better behavior.