United States of America

List of Organisations

Displaying 1921 - 1930 of 2153

List of Organisations

Levi Rickert - Native News Online ,

The United States Bureau of Indian Affairs has recently announced it will be updating guidelines of the Indian Child Welfare Act, ensuring greater emphasis on keeping Native American children with their families and communities, says the article.

Garin Flowers - WTSP,

A new law proposed in the state of Florida in the US will provide support to youth transitioning out of foster care.

Daily Kos,

This opinion piece, written from the perspective of an adoptee, questions recent US intercountry adoption legislation and why no international adoptees were consulted during the drafting of the legislation.

Michelle Bittner - Non-Profit Quarterly ,

A national for-profit foster agency in the US has come under recent scrutiny due to investigations revealing alleged “missteps” that are linked to the abuse, maltreatment, and deaths of children served by the agency.

Michael Piraino - Huffington Post,

In this blog piece from the Huffington Post, Michael Piraino makes his case for the need for nurturing family-based care as a way to enhance the wellbeing of children in the child welfare system in the United States, citing some recent research.

Lauren Kirchner - Pacific Standard,

This article from the Pacific Standard discusses a new bill passed by the state legislature of Colorado in the United States. According to the article, the bill is designed to combat the “foster care to prostitution pipeline.”

Michael S. Wald - Child Abuse & Neglect 41 (2015) ,

In this article, the author addresses the topic of child neglect, or allegations thereof, as it relates to children and families in the Child Welfare System in the United States.

Elizabeth Aparicioa, Edward V. Pecukonisa, Shalita O'Nealeb - Children and Youth Services Review,

The present study employed Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to explore the experiences and meaning of motherhood among teen mothers in foster care in the United States.

Frank Ligtvoet - Huffington Post Blog ,

In this opinion piece from the Huffington Post, Frank Ligtvoet writes about the cost of international adoption and how those resources might be better directed to keeping families together. The piece is particularly focused on the practice of intercountry adoption amongst the U.S. Christian community.

Destinee Roman - Houston Law Review ,

In this comment, published in the Houston Law Review, the author, Destinee Roman describes and assesses the practice of “re-homing” adopted children.