United States of America

List of Organisations

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List of Organisations

Emily A. Bosk, Abigail Williams-Butler, Debra Ruisard, Michael J. MacKenzie - Child Abuse & Neglect,

The purpose of this study was to understand the relationship between staff characteristics, endorsement of Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) and intent to turnover.

John P. Salerno, Olivia N. Kachingwe, Jessica N. Fish, Eshana Parekh, Melanie Geddings-Hayes, Bradley O. Boekeloo, Elizabeth M. Aparicio - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study aims to provide a preliminary understanding of how sexual minority girls in foster care experience the phenomenon of sexual health.

Katherine L. Stene, Sarah J. Dow-Fleisner, Dylan Ermacora, Jean Agathen, Lydia Falconnier, Megan Stager, Susan J. Wells - Children and Youth Services Review,

The current study reexamined a kinship caregiver assessment using data from a study conducted at the Children and Family Research Center (CFRC).

Margaret H. Lloyd Sieger & Robert Haswell - Journal of Child and Family Studies,

For this study, in-depth interviews with 17 currently or recently-involved parents in a Midwestern U.S. family treatment court, which are specialized child welfare dockets designed to address substance use, were conducted and analyzed using constant comparative coding, in order to understand parents’ perspectives on their own substance use, including its impact on their parenting, before and during child welfare system involvement.

Elizabeth Lightfoot, Mingyang Zheng & Sharyn DeZelar - Journal of Public Child Welfare ,

This article describes the first United States-based national study to compare the rates of substantiation of maltreatment among cases reported to child protective services involving caregivers with and without disabilities.

Betsy P. Goulet,Theodore P. Cross,Yu-Ling Chiu & Susan Evans - Journal of Public Child Welfare ,

This paper chronicles the goals of the partnership and the planning and implementation of the Child Protection Training Academy, developed by the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services and the University of Illinois Springfield in the U.S.

Amanda Yoshioka-Maxwell, Eric Rice - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study sought to better understand the network characteristics of homeless young adults with a history of foster care.

Amanda Yoshioka-Maxwell & Eric Rice - Children and Youth Services Review,

Because social networks have been shown to impact behavioral health outcomes, this study sought to better understand the network characteristics of homeless young adults with a history of foster care.

Sonya Stevens, Richard Fiene, Daniel Blevins, Amber Salzer - Children and Youth Services Review,

The goal of this study is to identify predicative indicators that will assist in the development of a home study that will increase consistency within home studies and decrease timeliness of completion.

Sonya Stevens, Richard Fiene, Daniel Blevins, Amber Salzer - Children and Youth Services Review,

A mixed method correlational exploratory pilot was conducted in Washington State to determine items within the home study assessment that could be used as indicators to identify baseline requirements of the assessment and suggest anticipated depth (expansion or reduction) within the required topic(s).