This country page features an interactive, icon-based data dashboard providing a national-level overview of the status of children’s care and care reform efforts (a “Country Care Snapshot”), along with a list of resources and organizations in the country.
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Add New DataMapping of residential care facilities in the capital and 24 provinces of the kingdom of Cambodia
National estimation of children in residential care institutions in Cambodia: A modelling study
Prevalence and number of children living in institutional care: global, regional, and country estimates
Shaping the national social protection strategy in Cambodia: Global influence and national ownership
Towards a Social Protection Strategy for the Poor and Vulnerable: Outcomes of the consultation process
Data for this country care snapshot was contributed by partners at Family Care First and UNICEF Cambodia.
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The objective of this study is to document lessons learned from Family Care First (FCF) | Responsive and Effective Child Welfare System Transformation (REACT) members in Cambodia, as well as the literature from others working on transition globally, to create evidence-based recommendations to inform future transitions and closure of residential care institutions in Cambodia at scale.
This study was conducted by Family Care First (FCF), to enhance the understanding of common practices of kinship and foster care in Cambodia and identify gaps and good practices that are scalable to promote quality options for family based alternative care programs. FCF is a network of global organizations working together to support children to live in safe, nurturing family-based care.
Case studies from the Global South provide insights on how to effectively support children who have experienced violence.
Case studies from Peru, Cambodia and DRC provide lessons on how income support can contribute to keeping children safe.
The article explores the implications of the use of clientelism in orphanage trafficking for prevention efforts, child protection governance reforms, and rehabilitation of children whose perception of exploitation and victimization has been shaped by their socialization to clientelism norms
The Cambodia Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation launched its “Policy on Alternative Care for Children” to further prioritise the well-being of all children in Cambodia, including those whose circumstances require that they be cared for outside of a traditional family environment.
Although orphanage trafficking can be prosecuted under legal frameworks in some jurisdictions, including Cambodia, there have been limited prosecutions to date. One factor that likely contributes to a lack of prosecution is poor detection, yet the indicators of orphanage trafficking have not been considered by extant research. The current study was conducted as a first step towards providing evidence-based indicators of orphanage trafficking.
Results from the Enhancing Identification, Prosecution and Prevention of Orphanage Trafficking Study in Cambodia.
This is a list of indicators of acts: Unlawful Removal, Recruitment, and Transfer of a Child into a Residential Care Institution