Catholic Relief Services,

Former World Bank Economist and President of Maestral International, Philip Goldman, makes a compelling, data-driven case for the need for a paradigm shift in how Moldova approaches the financing of care and protection of its children.

UNICEF - ESARO Regional Learning Platform,

This webinar introduced new global inter-agency guidance on kinship care. During the webinar, panelists shared key lessons learnt on how to support kinship care, drawing particularly on examples of promising practices from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Liberia, and Brazil.

Adoption UK, Coram Voice ,

Bethan Carter, a research associate at Cardiff University, discusses the ReThink Project; a project run in collaboration with Adoption UK and Coram Voice to investigate what processes are linked to mental health and wellbeing of care-experienced young people and how they manage at two key transitions in life.

UNICEF - ESARO Regional Learning Platform,

This video explores why supporting kinship care is so important, and examines how to support kinship care using examples from government and NGOs in Zimbabwe.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

This webinar explores the existing evidence of the connections between climate change and risks to children’s protection and discuss the role that child protection actors and the wider humanitarian community can take to ensure the protection of children and well-being of children impacted by the climate crisis.

Collaborative on Global Children's issues,

During this webinar, participants explored the role of the Catholic Church in the separation of Indigenous children from their families and the long-lasting effect on Indigenous communities.

Child Identity Protection,

Tiegan Boyens, ATD Fourth World and Teen Advocacy

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

To commemorate their 10th anniversary as an Alliance, this year’s Symposium took place on October 26, 2023, and offered a retrospective view of the Cape Town conference and the impact it achieved, both in the participating countries and globally. Then, through a deep dive into the experiences of three other countries— Romania, Rwanda and Viet Nam—it will explore the different ways countries have made progress in strengthening their workforce over the past decade and will highlight the continuing and emerging challenges facing the workforce in each country.

Transforming Children's Care Collaborative,

This webinar aimed to show care reform advocates can use budget analysis, cost estimates and evidence on long-term economic benefits to make the case for investing in a more a child-centered social welfare system.

Child Identity Protection,

Tiegan Boyens, of ATD Fourth World and Teen Advocacy, shares about the importance of staying connected to birth family as an adoptee as well as maintaining other connections such as friendships made throughout childhood.