
Displaying 10991 - 11000 of 14348

Walk Free Foundation,

This year’s report on Global Slavery makes reference to orphanage tourism in the context of Cambodia. 

The Republic of Uganda,

The Children (Amendment) Act of 2016 is an Act to amend the Children's Act Cap. 59 of Uganda to enhance the protection of children; to strengthen the provision for guardianship of children; to strengthen the conditions for intercountry adoption; to prohibit corporal punishment; to provide for the National Children Authority; repeal the National Council for Children Cap. 60 and to provide for other related matters. 

Prison Reform Trust,

This review was established to examine the reasons for, and how best to tackle, the over representation of children in care, or with experience of care, in the criminal justice system in England and Wales.

Government of the Philippines,

President Aquino of the Philippines has recently signed into law the “Children’s Emergency Relief and Protection Act,” an Act which ensures the protection of children “in times of calamity, disaster, and other emergency situations.”

Jerome Finnegan - Save the Children,

This report from Save the Children outlines the rapid development that takes place in the brain in the early years of life and the crucial role that caregivers play in supporting this development. 

Mooly M. Wong - The Open Family Studies Journal,

This study revealed, through their narrations, the changes in the lived experiences of children who resided in residential childcare services regarding the going home process in a Chinese context. 

Agnieszka Roguska,

This article presents an overview of the Polish system of foster welfare, its regulations by law and directions for further transformation. 

Department of Social Welfare - Zanzibar,

These DRAFT Regulations on the Care and Protection of Children of the Children’s Act of Zanzibar offer a definition of a child in need of protection and outline the general duties of the Department of Social Welfare in regards to providing that protection.

Parenting in Africa Network,

This document highlights examples of good practices in parenting and family strengthening interventions based on evaluations of programs and initiatives throughout Africa.

Rapport final de FORS- Recherche Sociale et Régis Sécher (ARIFTS),

La question spécifique de l’entourage familial des enfants placés dans le cadre de la protection de l’enfance apparaît tout particulièrement complexe et intéressante. Les questions relatives aux trajectoires individuelles des membres de l’entourage familial des enfants placés dans le cadre de la protection de l’enfance sont rarement pas analysées et méritent une attention particulière.