
Displaying 12521 - 12530 of 14435

Dr.Irene Stevens, Dr.Graham Connelly & Dr.Ian Milligan - CELCIS,

This paper presents an evaluation of the pilot foster care project (FCPP) in Albania.

Racheal Mafumbate, Tsediso Makoelle, & Meahabo Dinah Magano - The 40th Annual International Conference of SASE,

The study gathered data from 16 purposively sampled orphans, 4 guidance teachers and analysed documents within a primary school in Masvingo Urban in Zimbabwe.

Elaine Farmers, Julie Selwyn, and Sarah Meakings from the School of Policy Studies at University of Bristol, UK,

This study funded by Big Lottery and undertaken in partnership between the University of Bristol and Buttle UK, a grant-giving charity for vulnerable children, aims to fill gaps in understanding about the experiences of children living with kins, and in particular how children in informal kinship care view their situation.

Ghana Audit Service, Republic of Ghana,

This audit was conducted to determine whether the Department of Social Welfare in Ghana was sufficiently regulating the operations of Residential Homes for Children (orphanages) to ensure the care and protection of children living in institutions.

The Economist ,

It is estimated that about 2 million children around the world are living in institutions, though the true figure may be higher. However, according to this article, the number of institutions globally is in decline.

This American Life and Planet Money,

The well known radio show This American Life has collaborated with Planet Money to investigate the work of a charity called GiveDirectly. Instead of funding schools or wells or livestock, GiveDirectly has decided to just give money directly to the poor people who need it, and let them decide how to spend it.

Better Care Network, the Child Protection in Crisis Learning Network and the Child Protection Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group (CP MERG),

This concept note from the Better Care Network (BCN), the Child Protection in Crisis Learning Network (CPC Learning Network) and the Child Protection Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group (CP MERG) calls for the participation of other leading organizations in an inter-agency coalition, the Children’s Care Research Initiative, in an effort to strengthen the evidence base around the best ways to improve care for children and to reinforce global capacity to utilize this evidence.


This report provides a review of two projects: Building a Caring Environment for Children in Burundi (UNICEF), which addresses child care reform and New Generation (IRC) which addresses household economic strengthening and parenting skills. 

Better Care Network,

This Country Care Review includes the care-related concluding observations on the third and fourth periodic reports of Uzbekistan, adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child at its sixty-third session (27 May–14 June 2013), as well as other care-related concluding observations, ratification dates, and links to the Universal Periodic Review and Hague Intercountry Adoption Country Profile.

Adrian V. Rus, Ecaterina Stativa, Jacquelyn S. Pennings, David R. Cross, Naomi Ekas, Karyn B. Purvis, Sheri R. Parris - Child Abuse & Neglect,

The objective of this study was to determine whether children's characteristics and/or institutional characteristics were predictors of severe punishments (including beatings) and/or frequency of punishments that children received from staff in Romanian institutions.