
Displaying 12561 - 12570 of 14435


This guide provides professionals in the UK with information about registering as a children’s social care provider. It helps those considering registration to decide whether to apply and what processes their applications will go through before a decision is made as to their suitability to be registered.

Bethany Christian Services Global, LLC ,

This report provides initial documentation of a pilot program launched by Bethany Christian Services in 2009 in Ethiopia. The pilot aims at moving children from institutional care to family-based care by developing alternative family care for non-relative children using a foster-to-adopt approach, working through a partnership between faith communities in Ethiopia and American faith congregations in the US.

Lemn Sissay, TEDx Houses of Parliament,

In this TED talk, Lemn Sissay recalls his experiences of the care system, the search for his birth family and the insights this has given him.

The Times of India,

The state cabinet of Goa, India recently approved a foster care scheme to assist children deprived of parental care or the care of guardians and in need of protection.

Partnerships for Every Child Moldova,

This graphic provides a visual representation of the causal framework of children’s institutionalization in Moldova. It was developed as part of the USAID/DCOF-funded project “Protecting children in Moldova from family separation, violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation.”

Shelley Jofre,

This article reports on the findings of research conducted by the TV Programme Panorama on some of the current practices and standards in the children’s residential care system in England, which were described by a charity representing children in care as “extremely worrying”.

Marie LALUQUE et Mariama DIALLO,

Pays particulièrement marqués par la crise et la pauvreté, la Roumanie, la Moldavie et la Bulgarie bénéficient depuis quelques années d’un programme de coopération pour les droits de l’enfant, le PROCOPIL. Depuis 2005, il a enregistré des résultats encourageants.

UN General Assembly,

On June 14, 2013, the General Assembly submitted a report in advance of its sixty-eighth session as a contribution to the High-level Meeting of the Assembly on the realization of the Millennium Development Goals and other internationally agreed development goals for persons with disabilities. The report reviews good practices and existing approaches to disability-inclusive development and concludes by recommending steps to include disability as an integral part of all development efforts, with a view to contributing to an action-oriented outcome document of the upcoming High-level Meeting.

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as part of its examination of Tunisia’s initial report adopted by the Committee at its fifth session.

Andy Bilson, Cath Larkins,

This paper provides details of research into the gatekeeping system in Bulgaria for children under three and examples from recent Bulgarian and international practice. It suggests that gatekeeping could benefit from a social development orientation including activities to combat poverty and promote social inclusion through supporting community and family strengths.