
Displaying 12531 - 12540 of 14435

Marta Santos Pais, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children ,

In her annual report to the UN General Assembly, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General highlights the results of an expert consultation on violence in early childhood. The consultation highlighted the urgency of supporting families and caregivers in their child-rearing responsibilities and securing a responsive national child protection system to strengthen families’ capacity to raise young children in safe environments and prevent child abandonment and placement in residential care.

Fred Pampel, Kristy Beachy-Quick - OMNI Institute,

This report reviews the literature on Family Resource Centers in the United States.

Key Assets,

This framework outlines what the Key Assets team understand by quality family based foster care and recognises the collective responsibility to promote the rights of children worldwide. Seven standards for providing quality foster care are outlined in this publication.

Save the Children,

Comprendre et renforcer les mécanismes informels de prise en charge alternative pour améliorer les soins et la protection des enfants, avec un accent sur la prise en charge par la famille elargie en Afrique Centrale et Occidentale. 

Michael Kaufman,

This paper highlights the importance of promoting active fatherhood in achieving Save the Children’s goals. The paper suggests that engaging fathers in caregiving and building stronger relationships with their children can help to better protect and meet the needs of children.

Journal Officiel de la Republique Francaise (JORF) ,

En France, environ 273 000 mineurs sont pris en charge par les services de protection de l'enfance des conseils généraux et, parmi eux, environ 134 000 sont placés hors de leur milieu familial, en famille d'accueil ou en établissement, à la suite de décisions administratives ou judiciaires. Ces chiffres sont en augmentation depuis plusieurs années et le nombre de mineurs placés en France est, en proportion, supérieur à celui de nombreux autres pays européens.

Orla Guerin, BBC News,

Two baby girls were given over to new adoptive parents live on a television program in Pakistan. The host claims that the babies were not given away as a ploy for ratings, but to unite children in need of a home with new parents looking to welcome them.

The Blog of Harold Goodwin, Professor of Responsible Tourism Management,

In his blog post, Harold Goodwin explains how learning about the unintended negative impacts of orphanage volunteering and how the decision was made to remove orphanage volunteering trips from’ offerings.


On Wednesday, July 31 2013, UNICEF launched its “#ENDviolence against children” campaign.

The Telegraph,

One “ethically-minded” tourism company in the UK is shutting down 10 orphanage tours because the firm believes that “orphanage volunteers, despite their best intentions, are part of the problem rather than the solution for children living in poverty throughout the world."