
Displaying 12541 - 12550 of 14435

Video du Conseil General,

Lorsque le maintien de l'enfant dans son milieu familial n'est pas possible, le mineur est à la demande de ses parents ou sur décision judiciaire, pris en charge par le Département. Plusieurs solutions peuvent être envisagées pour l'enfant, comme par exemple le placement en famille d'accueil.

New York and Geneva Working Groups on Children Without parental Care,

A coalition of over 40 international, regional and national NGOs and networks have issued a joint call to member States of the United Nations General Assembly (UN GA) to focus the 2014 Resolution on the Rights of the Child on strengthening family care and providing appropriate alternative care for children.

Better Care Network,

India submitted its third and fourth combined report on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. 

Rena Deitz,

The author of this paper argues that it is necessary that child protection professionals have access to training that is specific to Liberia and its needs.

Save the Children and Better Care Network,

Save the Children East Africa Regional Office (EARO) and Better Care Network (BCN) are looking to recruit a Better Care Network (BCN) Regional Technical & Knowledge Management Specialist.

Family for Every Child,

For children separated from their families, the 139 organizations of the South Asia Alliance of Grassroots NGOs (SAAGN) launched the campaign “My Caring Family is My First Right” in June 2013. As part of the campaign, Butterflies, a registered voluntary organization working with street and working children in Delhi, is supporting a new online petition that calls on governments in the region to respect a child’s right to a family.

Sarah Mares, Marianne Torres - Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry,

This article outlines an approach to assessing the quality of relationships between young foster children and their carers.

Terre des Hommes,

Le phénomène des restavek (enfants qui « restent avec » une famille qui n’est pas la leur) a longtemps ete méconnu du public. Pourtant, entre 150 000 et 500 000 enfants haïtiens vivent ce calvaire. 

Child’s i Foundation,

This video describes the work of the Alternative Care Panel in Uganda, a panel composed of professionals who assess the stability of potential adoptive or foster parents to determine if the parents can provide for needy and vulnerable children, with the ultimate goal of keeping children out of institutional settings and in family-based care.


Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child as part of its examination during the sixty-third session (27 May-14 June 2013) of Guinea Bissau’s second through fourth periodic reports to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, as well as other care-related concluding observations, ratification dates, and links to the Universal Periodic Review and Hague Intercountry Adoption Country Profile.