
Displaying 2491 - 2500 of 14429

MenEngage Alliance,

This two-part launch event reveals research, insights, and a new, 7-point plan for how to achieve equality in care work, launched in this year’s State of the World’s Fathers 2021 report.

Vedika Sud, Esha Mitra and Julia Hollingsworth - CNN,

According to this article from CNN, there are "at least 577 Indian children who lost both parents to Covid between April 1 and May 25, when India was battling its second wave of the outbreak, according to government figures."

Kamala Thiagarajan,

The plight of so-called "COVID orphans," children who've lost one or both parents to COVID-19, "is one of the heartbreaking pandemic developments to emerge from India, which in May recorded the greatest number of deaths in one country in one month from COVID 19: over 120,000," says this article from NPR.


Le présent document fournit des orientations provisoires aux acteurs des secteurs de la protection de l’enfance et de la santé, dans le contexte des mesures de quarantaine et d’isolement, pour leur permettre d’atténuer les risques liés à la protection de l’enfance, de réduire au minimum la séparation des familles et de favoriser l’unité des familles et la cohésion sociale.

Eurochild and Martin James Foundation,

This event will reflect on how cooperation and knowledge sharing can support meeting the needs of children at risk and in the alternative care system.

World Bank Group,

This fourth session of the World Bank Group's ECD webinar series will describe the Early Years Fellowship, a World Bank program to build the capacity within countries on ECD and to identify and support the next generation of leaders in early childhood.


In this video, "CNN's Vedika Sud speaks to the eldest sister-- now the primary caretaker of a family of seven siblings who lost their mother and then their father to the brutal second wave."


ISPCAN in partnership with Italian country partner, CISMAI, will be hosting the 2021 European Congress in the Rimini Convention Center. The event has been postponed from its original dates (June 22-24, 2020) to June 2021. 

National Child Development Agency (NCDA), UNICEF,

This is a Training Module for the Inshuti z’Umuryango volunteer community-based cadre to support the implementation of the Tubarerere Mu Muryango (TMM) Programme (‘Let’s raise children in families’) led by the National Child Development Agency (NCD).

Express Informer,

This article from Express Informer describes the intergenerational impacts of the trauma experienced by Indigenous children in Canada's residential schools.