
Displaying 4351 - 4360 of 14435

Better Care Network, The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, and UNICEF and Inter-agency Task Force,

Este documento complementar à Nota Técnica da Força-Tarefa Interagências sobre a Proteção de crianças e adolescentes durante a pandemia de COVID-19: Crianças, adolescentes e cuidados alternativos apresenta dicas úteis para promover o engajamento e a participação de todas as partes interessadas, algo crucial para a manutenção da continuidade dos serviços para crianças e adolescentes.

Tony McGinn - Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,

This review brought together studies which investigate whether or not family group decision making works better, for the children concerned, than traditional child protection decision-making.

Claire Connellan - Lumos,

This report maps and assesses the forms of care provided to unaccompanied migrant, asylum-seeking and refugee children in six European Union Member States: Bulgaria, France, Italy, Greece, the Netherlands and Spain.

Better Care Network, The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, UNICEF and Inter-agency Task Force,

L’obiettivo della presente nota tecnica è di aiutare i professionisti di protezione dell’infanzia e i funzionari governativi nelle loro azioni di risposta immediata ai problemi relativi alla protezione dell’infanzia affrontati dai bambini a rischio di separazione o in affido etero-familiare durante la pandemia di COVID-19.

Better Care Network, The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, and UNICEF and Inter-agency Task Force,

このテクニカルノートの目的は、COVID-19パンデミックの中     で、分離のリスクにさらされている子どもや社会的養育を受けている     子どもが直面する、児童保護の課題に対し     、児童保護の実践者と政府職員の緊急対応を支援することです。

Better Care Network, The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, UNICEF and an Inter-agency Task Force,

This accompanying annex document to the Inter-agency Technical Note on the Protection of Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Children and Alternative Care provides helpful tips to promote the engagement and participation of all stakeholders, which is central to maintaining continuity of services for children.

Better Care Network, The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, and UNICEF and Inter-agency Task Force,

Dokumen Lampiran Catatan Teknis Antar-Lembaga tentang Perlindungan Anak selama Pandemi COVID-19: Anak dan Pengasuhan Alternatif ini memberikan tips yang berguna untuk mendorong keterlibatan dan partisipasi seluruh pemangku kepentingan, yang penting untuk mempertahankan berlanjutnya layanan bagi anak-anak.

Better Care Network, The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, and UNICEF and Inter-agency Task Force,

Данный сопроводительный документ к технической записке «Защита Детей во Время Пандемии COVID-19: Дети и Альтернативный Уход» содержит полезные рекомендации, которые помогут привлечь к участию все заинтересованные стороны.

Better Care Network, The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, and UNICEF and Inter-agency Task Force,

Ce document qui accompagne la Fiche Technique interorganisations sur la Protection des enfants durant la pandémie de COVID-19 : les enfants et la protection de remplacement fournit des conseils utiles pour promouvoir l’implication et la participation de toutes les parties prenantes, qui sont indispensables pour maintenir la continuité des services pour les enfants.

Better Care Network, The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, and UNICEF and Inter-agency Task Force,

Acest document de însoțire a Notei tehnice inter-instituționale privind Protecția copiilor în perioada pandemiei de COVID-19: Copiii și îngrijirea alternativă oferă sfaturi utile pentru promovarea implicării și participării tuturor părților interesate, care este esențială pentru asigurarea continuității serviciilor pentru copii.