
Displaying 5531 - 5540 of 14424

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

The Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS), originally launched in 2012, set out a common agreement on what needs to be achieved in order for child protection in humanitarian settings to be of adequate quality. Years of implementing the CPMS in diverse settings revealed the need for a more user-friendly version of the Standards that would reflect recent sector learning and evidence; improve guidance on prevention, gender and age inclusion, and other cross-cutting themes; and promote applicability to a broader range of humanitarian contexts. Therefore, the Standards were updated in 2019 through a two-year revision process.

The Kenya Society of Care Leavers (KESCA), the Uganda Care Leavers (UCL), Better Care Network, and Changing the Way We Care,

This webinar - presented by the Kenya Society of Care Leavers (KESCA), the Uganda Care Leavers (UCL), The Better Care Network and Changing the Way We Care - offered policy makers, practitioners, advocates and careleavers a unique opportunity to listen and learn from two leaders of careleaver associations who highlighted two recent documents that illustrate the careleaver experience within and outside of care.

The Kenya Society of Care Leavers (KESCA), the Uganda Care Leavers (UCL), Better Care Network, and Changing the Way We Care,

This webinar invites policy makers, practitioners, advocates and careleavers to a unique opportunity to listen and learn from two leaders of careleaver associations.

African Child Policy Forum (ACPF),

ACPF is seeking to recruit a senior executive for the position of Executive Director (ED) who will enhance ACPF’s role as the moral and authoritative voice for Africa’s children.

Alex James,Jeanette McLeod, Shaun Hendy, Kip Marks, Delia Rusu, Syen Nik, Michael J. Plank - PLoS ONE,

In this study, the authors analyse a child protection services dataset that includes a network of approximately 5 million social relationships collected by social workers between 1996 and 2016 in New Zealand to test the potential of information about family networks to improve accuracy of models used to predict the risk of child maltreatment.

Dartington Service Design Lab in collaboration with Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University,

Dartington Service Design Lab in collaboration with Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University is hosting a training on 29th October 2019 in London UK.


FICE International,

FICE International is holding its 34th World Congress in Tel Aviv, Israel 29-31 October 2019. The Congress is held every three years, each time in a different country, and is designed to review the work with children at risk, children wi

Kalsea J. Koss, Jamie M. Lawler and Megan R. Gunnar - Development and Psychopathology,

This study examined whether and how postadoption parenting promotes recovery in children experiencing early life adversity in the form of institutional care. Results support the notion that postadoption parenting during toddlerhood and the early preschool years promotes better regulation skills following early adversity.

Paulo Delgado, Isabel M. Bernedo Muñoz, João M. S. Carvalho, María D. Salas Martínez, Miguel Ángel García-Marín - International Journal of Social Science Studies,

This study aims at comparing the nature and processes of contact between children in foster care and their birth families; the relationship between the existence and quality of contact and foster carers’ burden; and the relationship between the existence or not of contact and the existence of reunification plans.

International Forum for Volunteering in Development,

The International Forum for Volunteering in Development has launched the Global Standard for Volunteering for Development, which will support organizations that work with volunteers to improve their practice and their impact.