
Displaying 6931 - 6940 of 14392

Changing the Way We Care and the Kenya Society of Care Leavers,

Esta guía promueve la participación de los egresados del cuidado residencial de una forma empoderada, siendo siempre sensible a sus historias y experiencias. Promueve la dignidad, respeta los derechos y crea un espacio para que sus voces aboguen por un cambio positivo.

UNICEF, Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice,

This report captures the findings of a mapping exercise commissioned by UNICEF Ghana and undertaken by the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ). This mapping exercise sought primarily to establish the number and profile of institutions at national and sub-national levels involved in child protection.

Kristina Rosinsky and Sarah Catherine Williams - Child Trends,

Child Trends conducted this 10th national survey of U.S. child welfare agency expenditures to promote an understanding of the challenges and opportunities agencies face in serving vulnerable children. This report is part of an array of resources compiled from the survey’s findings.

Eugene S. Anichkin, Kseniya E. Kovalenko, and Anton A. Vasiliev - Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ,

This article outlines the prospects for ratifying the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in the Field of Intercountry Adoption of 29 May 1993 and the European Convention on the Adoption of Children (revised) of 27 November 2008.

UNICEF Cambodia,

This study examines child protection risks faced by preschool age children (3-5 years old) and adolescents (10-14 years old) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia and determines the interconnectivity between such risks and education.

UNICEF Cambodia,

This study examines child protection risks faced by preschool age children (3-5 years old) and adolescents (10-14 years old) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia and determines the interconnectivity between such risks and education.

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC),

This study seeks to improve understanding of the risks and types of sexual and gender-based violence faced by children who migrate on their own, as well as the unfortunate and widespread gaps in protection and assistance for these children.

Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Social Affairs Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation ,

This plan builds a solid and sustainable foundation for a modern juvenile justice system in Cambodia and provides effective and positive impact to current and future children, who are in conflict with law.

Hyppölä, Oona-Maaria; Hyppölä, Anniina - University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Research,

This thesis takes a range of Russian Children’s Villages as its case study in an attempt to investigate foster parents’ perceptions of parenting and thus shed light on the present-day development of the alternative care system in Russia.

Changing the Way We Care and the Kenya Society of Care Leavers,

This guidance was produced with the Kenya Society of Care Leavers to address how to best engage care leavers - who may have suffered personal trauma in their past and may not have an existing safety net to protect them, yet have a very important voice - in care reform.