Democratic Republic of the Congo

Demographic Data:

  • Total Population: 74.88 million
  • Population under 15: 46%
  • Life Expectancy at Birth: 58.7 years
  • Human Development Index: 176 out of 188 
  • World Bank Status: Low Income
  • HIV/AIDS Prevalence (age 15-49): 1.0%
  • Mean Household Composition: 5.3 persons
  • Female-Headed Households: 25%

Sources: World Bank, UNICEF, UNDP HDR 2015, DHS 2013/2014


Displaying 2931 - 2940 of 14348

INSPIRE Adaptation and Scale-Up team,

This Guide was created as a resource for the adaptation and scale up of a country's unique action plan to address violence against children.

End Violence Partnership,

INSPIRING Ways to End Violence Against Children's new series of podcast episodes explore organisations’ efforts to protect children – and adapt to challenges – during COVID-19.

UN Women,

This brief from UN Women explores who is shouldering the increased burdens of household care in light of the pandemic lockdowns and other restrictions and by how much those burdens have increased.


The COVID-19 Global Gender Response Tracker monitors responses taken by governments worldwide to tackle the pandemic, and highlights those that have integrated a gender lens.

Rebecca Holmes and Abigail Hunt - ODI,

This paper draws on two case studies – South Africa and Kerala, India – to discuss the gender implications of social protection responses to Covid-19 in 2020.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

The Safeguarding Resource and Support Hub (RSH) aims to support organisations in the aid sector to strengthen their safeguarding policy and practice against Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Sexual Harassment (SEAH).

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC),

This report draws on data from 148 countries and explores issues of particular relevance in the current crisis, including the impact of socio-economic factors, drivers of child trafficking and trafficking for forced labour, and traffickers’ use of the internet.

Save the Children,

Ce rapport de recherche sur l’impact de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur les enfants travailleurs et en situation de handicap ainsi que sur les enfants talibés, montre que les enfants les plus vulnérables et marginalisés sont les victimes cachées de cette crise au Sénégal.

Who Cares Scotland,

This brief resource from Who Cares? Scotland explores barriers to graduation for care-experienced young people, including moving placement, lack of space or equipment to study, challenges with mental health, finances, and housing, to name a few.

Keeping Children Safe,

The Independent Child Safeguarding Review (ICSR) was commissioned by the International Senate of SOS Children’s Villages to find ways to address the complex topic of child safeguarding failures. The report sets out consolidated findings and recommendations from four country reviews with the aim of contributing to improvements in safeguarding practice.