
Displaying 5111 - 5120 of 14438

Jie Gao, Clare Brooks, Yuwei Xu, Eleanor Kitto - The UCL Institute of Education ,

By synthesising the research evidence, this study seeks to address the questions of whether early childhood parenting programmes are effective in improving parenting and enhancing children's development; and which factors of the programme design and implementation contribute to the successful outcomes of parenting programmes.

SOS Children’s Villages International,

This document summarizes the 2019 UNGA Resolution on the Rights of the Child focusing on children without parental care (A/RES/74/133) in an easy-to-follow way.

World Vision,

World Vision has conducted rapid assessments in 24 countries across Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Asia confirming alarming predictions of increased child hunger, violence, and poverty due to the economic impact of COVID-19.

COVID-19 Case Management MOOC Taskforce,

This massive online open course (MOOC) aims to enhance understanding of the heightened protection risks and vulnerabilities that children are facing around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Catherine Al Jawdah - Journal of the Contemporary Study of Islam,

This article examines the legal and practical implications of fostering and adoption law and policy in Britain. It includes an examination of the barriers preventing Muslim carers from coming into fostering and adoption, as well as the sensitive issue of caring for maḥram and non-maḥram children.

Changing the Way We Care,

Pandemia COVID-19 solicită adaptarea și / sau dezvoltarea de servicii și programe pentru a continua să servim cel mai bine copiii și familiile lor în timpul acestei perioade rapid schimbătoare.

Changing the Way We Care,

Această mapă, de asemenea, ajută programelor la adaptare, reorganizare și determinarea priorității activităților de prevenire și răspuns.

Early Childhood Workforce Initiative,

In line with principles outlined by the Early Childhood Development Action Network and the International Task Force for Teachers for Education 2030, the following are five key actions that governments, civil society organizations, and funding agencies must take to support the early childhood workforce to ensure continuity and quality in efforts to promote nurturing care.

Changing the Way We Care,

This package of materials from Changing the Way We Care features guidance and tools for case management and virtual monitoring during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Changing the Way We Care,

Esta guía se desarrolló para ayudar al equipo psicosocial a realizar un seguimiento virtual de los NNA y las familias durante la pandemia de COVID-19.