
Displaying 9831 - 9840 of 14477

Bridget Mananavire - DailyNews,

Article from DailyNews reporting that there are 4,701 children living on the streets of Zimbabwe’s major cities.

Rory Truell - The Guardian Social Care Network,

Article from The Guardian’s Social Care Network recognizing World Social Work Day and the needs of vulnerable children in Zambia.


Article from Dabanga reports officials have expressed concern over the growing number of homeless children in Darfur. 

Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services - Arizona Daily Star,

Article from reporting that federal judge has thrown out challenge to Indian Child Welfare Act.

Marjan Mohammadzadeh, Hamidin Awang, Hayati Kadir Shahar, Suriani Ismail – Community Mental Health Journal,

This study aimed to assess the prevalence and risk factors of depression, anxiety, stress and low self-esteem among institutional Malaysian adolescents.

World Vision International,

World Vision International is in search of a Child Protection Manager to support World Vision Lao PDR’s strategic goal to bring change in the lives of children in Laos, particularly to ensure that children are protected and participate in development programs.

Save the Children,

Save the Children International is looking to hire a Senior Coordinator, Child Protection, Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, to be based in its Geneva office.

Lucy Westcott - Newsweek,

Nine survivors of the children’s home fire in Guatemala were flown to the U.S. for burn treatment.

Amitha Kalaichandran, The Canadian Press - rdnewsnow,

The political situation in the U.S. drives unaccompanied minors across the border to Canada where their futures are uncertain.

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

In advance of World Social Work Day, the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance invites you to join a webinar that will share advocacy tools and promotional resources being developed to champion the important role of social workers in three countries: Cambodia, Indonesia and the United States