
Displaying 11881 - 11890 of 14403

National Children’s Bureau, The Who Cares? Trust, Action for Children, Barnardo’s, Together Trust and the Centre for Child and Family Research ,

This report explores options for young people aging out of residential care (“care leavers”) and the potential challenges and costs of effective implementation of those options.

Michael Wessells - Columbia University ,

The purpose of this paper is to suggest the value of tracking population-based outcomes for children as a key component of monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of a national child protection system.

New York Working Group on Children without Parental Care ,

The Government of Brazil and the Global Movement for Children in Latin America and Caribbean (MMI LAC), hosted a regional Expert Consultation on Violence against Children and Care prior to the 21st Pan American Child and Adolescent Congress.

Jay Fagan, Randal Day, Michael E. Lamb, Natasha J. Cabrera - Journal of Family Theory and Review,

This article asks whether researchers should seek separate conceptualizations of fathers’ and mothers’ parenting behaviors. The researchers find that there is not sufficient evidence to conclude that the constructs of fathering and mothering are unique.

Global Health Support Initiative II,

The Senior Youth and HIV Advisor (the “Advisor”) is a senior-level position within the Global Health Bureau’s Office of HIV/AIDS (GH/OHA) who will work collaboratively across the Agency to support these goals.  A major focus of the position will be to advise OHA on technically sound approaches to preventing new infections in young people as part of the goal to achieve an “AIDS-free generation.”  

National Commission for Children, Save the Children, Better Care Network,

As part of the work of the BCN Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Initiative, the National Commission for Children in partnership with BCN, and Save the Children convened a national consultative workshop in Kigali, Rwanda on 26 and 27 November 2014. This report presents a summary of the main priority outcomes which were identified by participants during the meeting, including: evidence building and sharing, strengthening advocacy, and strengthening capacity.

Caroline Schmitt - Deutsche Welle (DW) ,

This article from Deutsche Welle (DW) depicts the situation that many mothers in Eastern Europe face as they leave their children behind to find work abroad and support their families financially.

Muliro Telewa - BBC News,

This BBC article highlights the situation of children born if incest in Kenya.


Eurochild is holding its 11th Annual Conference, 'Children First: Better Public Spending for Better Outcomes for Children and Families' in Bucharest, 26-28 November 2014

E.J. Graff, Pacific Standard ,

In this article, journalist E.J. Graff, uncovers some of the corruption, fraud, and deception common within the “mini-industry” of U.S. adoptions from Ethiopia, and how that “industry” has come to see better regulation through diplomacy and a new federal law.