
Displaying 9381 - 9390 of 14348


On 20 June, the Advisory Group for Childonomics, a research projected intended to develop a tool to determine long-term social and economic return of investing in children, met in Brussels for its final meeting. The final output of the project in pilot countries Malta and Romania is scheduled to be presented at the International Foster Care Organisations (IFCO) World Conference in November 2017. 

Lorena Gazzotti - Business Standard,

Germany is considering plans to open two reception centers in Morocco for repatriated children. 

Yesenia Amaro and Kong Meta - The Phnom Penh Post,

Disabled children in Cambodia are abandoned in hospitals and health centers throughout the country. The Angkor Hospital for Children, however, is dedicated to keeping abandoned children out of orphanages by convincing and assisting parents to take their infants back and care for them. 

Olivia Muragijimana - The New Times,

Over 3000 children from orphanages in Rwanda have been reintegrated into family-based care since 2012, reports an official from the National Children's Council. 

Amnesty International,

This alert from Amnesty International describes the findings from a recent Independent review of youth detention centres in Queensland, Australia, which exposed abuse and human rights violations of detained youth at the hands of staff. 

Daniel Wesangula - Reuters,

Rogue churches in Kenya are delivering trafficked "miracle babies" to infertile women. 


2017 Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology (SCAP 2017), organized by East Asia Research and supported by Hong Kong Shue Yan University and Singapore University of Technology and Design will be held in the cosmopolitan city of Singapore.

Florence Martin and Garazi Zulaika - Better Care Network,

This presentation was given by Florence Martin of Better Care Network at the 6th International Conference of the International Society for Child Indicators in Montreal, Canada in June 2017.

Jan Mason - Children and Youth Services Review,

This article is an historical analysis of the association between interventions for neglect and attitudes to poverty in English speaking countries, with reference to specific countries by way of illustration.

Kate Lyons - The Guardian ,

The Guardian reports the findings from recent research conducted by the World Bank and the International Center for Research on Women, which indicates that ending child marriage could add more than $4tn to the global economy, curb population growth, and enable girls to complete their education and get better jobs.