Hong Kong

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Better Care Network, Changing the Way We Care,

In any transition process, different levels of risk and challenges can impact the children in care and therefore need to be managed.


This is a recording of a UNICEF webinar presenting the launch of a global database of children in residential care on December 14, 2022.

Related content: 

Family for Every Child,

This webinar will focus on the use of creative therapies in supporting the mental health of vulnerable children and youth.

Megan Hollett, Alex Hassett, Virginia Lumsden,

This UK-based study aimed to develop an explanatory theory and model of the processes involved in fostering looked after children and the relationship between the roles of parent and professional.

Haiti Family Care Network,

Join the Haiti Family Care Network for a discussion on current events and challenges to child/youth/family programming in Haiti. The conversation will be loosely moderated with the goal of sharing challenges and lessons learned and supporting one another. This conversation will take place in English.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies,

This paper attempts to highlight some of the key issues regarding child labour and education in emergencies.

Human Rights Watch,

This is Human Rights Watch's submission to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child's 94th pre-session to highlight areas of concern regarding the government of Russia’s compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).

End Violence Against Children,

Mauritius has achieved full prohibition of corporal punishment of children with the enactment of the Children’s Act 2020. The new law came into force in January 2022. With this law reform, Mauritius is the 65th state worldwide, and the twelfth African state to realise children’s rights to protection from all violent punishment.

The Associated Press,

The lower house of the Russian parliament on Thursday passed a bill banning foreigners from using Russian surrogate mothers.

European Network on Independent Living (ENIL),

This is an interview with Dragana Ciric Milovanovic, director of European Programs for Disability Rights International (DRI), during the European Launch of the Deinstitutionalization Guidelines, including in emergencies.