Hong Kong

Displaying 3171 - 3180 of 14390

UNICEF Division of Data, Analytics, Planning and Monitoring,

This brochure from UNICEF provides an overview of child marriage in the Sahel, a region spanning the northern portion of sub-Saharan Africa.

Comissão Nacional de Promoção dos Direitos e Proteção das Crianças e Jovens (CNPDPCJ),
Ministério da Educação e Desenvolvimento Humano, República de Moçambique,

A Constituição da República de Moçambique consagra a educação como um direito e dever fundamental de cada criança, que deve ser oferecida num ambiente seguro, propiciando a aprendizagem.

Amanda E. Devercelli and Frances Beaton-Day - World Bank Group,

In this paper, the authors present the evidence on why childcare matters for building human capital, look at the current status of childcare provision worldwide, including an estimate of the global gaps in access, and present specific actions countries can take to expand access to quality, affordable childcare for all families that need it, especially the most vulnerable.

The Scottish Government,

This briefing is the fifth in a series of evidence summaries on the impact of COVID-19 on the wellbeing of children and families in Scotland, drawing on wider UK and international research where appropriate.

Sarah Deeley and Linda O’Neill - CELCIS,

In October 2020 CELCIS convened and facilitated a virtual workshop with the Virtual School Head Teacher (VSHT) and Care Experienced Team (CET) network. Network members were asked two questions for consideration prior to the meeting. This document contains the key themes arising from question two: Did the VSHT/CET network have an impact on supporting you in your role during lockdown? What, if any, impact did being part of the network have for the children and young people that you have responsibility for?

Sarah Deeley and Linda O’Neill - CELCIS,

In October 2020 CELCIS convened and facilitated a virtual workshop with the Virtual School Head Teacher (VSHT) and Care Experienced Team (CET) network. Network members were asked two questions for consideration prior to the meeting. This document contains the key themes arising from question one: Why did having your specific role within your local authority make a difference to care experienced children and young people during lockdown?

Gillian Mann and Emily Delap - Family for Every Child,

This paper argues that kinship care – the care of children by relatives or friends of the family – represents the greatest resource available for meeting the needs of girls and boys who are orphaned or otherwise live apart from their parents.

Family for Every Child,

These Practitioner Guidance Papers share the approaches of five Family for Every Child members in adapting existing helplines or setting up new ones during the COVID-19 pandemic

Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB), St. Catherine’s University and SPOON,

Catholic Medical Mission Board Zambia (CMMB), SPOON, and St. Catherine's University conducted this Health Impact Assessment (HIA) in Lusaka Province, Zambia, to understand the disparate impact that COVID-19 and the containment measures had on children with disabilities and their families. his two-phased assessment is designed to gather evidence about the impact through seven domains: COVID-19 knowledge and practices, food consumption, housing and livelihood, child safety and risk of separation, child health and wellness, parental and child stress, and education.