
Displaying 8591 - 8600 of 14395

Nicole Wilke, Meredith Morgan, and Alisha Pangborn - CAFO,

This resource from the Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO) has been created for those who care for and about orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), with the aim of helping them empower and equip children and youth toward success and well-being.

Fiona Cram, Min Vette, Moira Wilson, Rhema Vaithianathan, Tim Maloney, and Sarah Baird - New Zealand Council for Educational Research,

This article explores how an approach based on he awa whiria can work in practice in the examination of the efficacy for Māori whānau (families) of the government’s intensive home-visiting programme, Family Start.

Cécile Jeannin - Servicio Social Internacional,

Esta nueva publicación del SSI sobre los fracasos de la adopción internacional tiene como objetivo acompañar y equipar a los profesionales de las Autoridades centrales y competentes y de los Organismos acreditados  para la adopción, las personas adoptadas y los padres adoptivos, para prevenir mejor y manejar las crisis o los fracasos que las familias adoptivas pueden atravesar.

Cécile Jeannin - International Social Service,

This new ISS publication on intercountry adoption breakdowns aims at giving support to adoptees, adoptive parents, professionals from Central Authorities and from other competent authorities, and Adoption Accredited Bodies, in order to prevent and manage the crises, and even breakdowns, faced by adoptive families.

The Hague Conference on Private International Law ,

This Note from The Hague Conference on Private International Law aims to promote the proper interpretation and application of Article 2 of the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (“1993 Hague Convention” or “Convention”).

National Child Traumatic Stress Network,

Este recurso proporciona consejos para los cuidadores y otros para ayudar a abordar las necesidades de los niños inmigrantes y refugiados que han experimentado la separación traumática.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network,

This resource from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network provides key points related to traumatic separation and immigrant and refugee children, adapted from the NCTSN fact sheet Children with Traumatic Separation: Information for Professionals.

National Quality Improvement Center for Adoption and Guardianship Support and Preservation (QIC-AG),

This guidance is designed for social service professionals to better serve guardianship families by learning about the dynamics of the family’s permanent relationships, factors that influenced their decision-making in choosing the guardianship option, and how those decisions might affect the family’s current situation.

Ovcharenko L.Yu., Doroshenko T.N - ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСКИЙ КАПИТАЛ,

The article deals with the problem of socialization of orphan children in the process of relationships between the individual and a society based on the implementation of existing individual features in social learning, self-knowledge and self-realization, that provides in turn social knowledge, social skills and social experience of the individual.

CPC Learning Network,

This brief document from CPC Learning Network underscores the importance of continuing to advocate for child rights and asks the questions: What should that movement look like—and focus on—in the current era? What role do we each want to play?