
Displaying 13961 - 13970 of 14428

Save the Children Sri Lanka and Save the Children Canada,

A situation analysis of children in institutional care that includes policy implications and key recommendations.

Alain de Janvry, Frederico Finan, Elisabeth Sadoulet, Donald Nelson, Kathy Lindert, Benedict de la Briere, and Peter Lanjouw ,

Evaluation of the Bolsa Escola Program, which was a Brazilian social services program that provided cash transfers to families provided that their school-aged children would be enrolled in and attending school. Examines how beneficiaries were selected, registered, and monitored. Cites inconsistencies in implementation and roles of municipal governments as significant finding.

Jonathan Bradshaw, Peter Kemp, Sally Baldwin and Abigail Rowe - Office of the Prime Minister,

This document is a literature review for the purpose of determining the drivers of social exclusion.  Its objectives were to: 1) determine the current drivers; 2) determine emerging drivers that might have a future impact on social inclusion; 3) Assess the relative strength of drivers.

Bragi Gudbrandsson, Working Group on Children at Risk in Care, Council of Europe,

A comparative analysis of protection and care systems across Europe, focusing on the use of institutions, alternative forms of care placements, family support services, and the role of social workers in the process of child placement.

Princeton University and the Brookings Institute,

In assessing the practice of foster care in the US and its current limitations, this series of articles advocates for the implementation of health assessments for all children in care, support to preserve permanency and assist birth families, comprehensive supports for foster families, specialized services for children in need, increased cultural competency in social work practice, coordinated services across sectors for families in need and comprehensive well being assessments for children in care.

Elaine Chase and June Statham,

Review of information relevant to the commercial sexual exploitation of children and young people in the UK. Focus on abuse through prostitution; abuse through pornography; and child trafficking.

Commonwealth of Australia,

Upwards of, and possibly more than 500 000 Australians experienced care in an orphanage, Home or other form of out-of-home care during the last century. This report shares their stories.

National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University,

This working paper from the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child explains how adult-child relationships shape child development, and identifies ways to strengthen policies that affect those relationships in the early childhood years.

UNICEF et Union Interparlementaire ,

Cette publication conjointe de l’UNICEF et de l’Union Interparlementaire (UIP) est un véritable appel à l’action. Elle offre des exemples d’interventions de parlementaires en faveur de la protection des enfants et examine 10 questions spécifiques de protection.


Le VIH/SIDA a privé de parents ou rendu vulnérables des millions d’enfants. La région la plus durement touchée est l’Afrique subsaharienne, où l’on estime à 12,3 milions le nombre d’enfants étant orphelins à cause du SIDA. La disparition des parents n’est pas la seule répercussion qu’a le VIH/SIDA sur les enfants. Parmi les autres enfants rendus vulnérables par le VIH/SIDA figurent ceux qui ont un parent malade, qui vivent dans des ménages pauvres prenant en charge des orphelins, qui sont victimes de discrimination du fait de la séropositivité d’un membre de leur famille ou qui sont eux-mêmes séropositifs. Par conséquent, les programmes ne peuvent être exclusivement destinés aux enfants orphelins à cause du SIDA mais doivent s’adresser aux communautés où le VIH/SIDA exacerbe la vulnérabilité des enfants et des adolescents.