
Demographic Data

  • Total Population: 44.86 million
  • Population under 15: 42%
  • Life Expectancy at Birth: 62 years
  • Human Development Index: 145 out of 188
  • World Bank Status: Lower Middle Income
  • HIV/AIDS Prevalence (age 15-49): 5.3%
  • Mean Household Composition: 3.9 members
  • Female-Headed Households: 32%
  • Early Marriage (% of girls married by 15 years): 29%

Sources: World Bank, UNICEF, UNDP HDR 2015, DHS 2014

Displaying 13101 - 13110 of 14390

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction ,

The purpose of this paper is to give meaning and insight into some of the key drug and alcohol issues that affect children from the perspectives of the children themselves. Research shows that large numbers of children who are separated from their parents are particularly vulnerable to developing drug and alcohol problems. Special attention is paid throughout the report on children looked after by relatives, foster carers, and institutions.

Anas Aremeyaw Anas - Ghana Web,

For this investigation, reporters posed as a minister and a business woman to witness cases of child abuse that have claimed the lives of some children in a children's home in Ghana.

Priscilla Atwani Akwara, Behzad Noubary, Patricia Lim Ah Ken, Kiersten Johnson, Rachel Yates, William Winfrey, Upjeet Kaur Chandan, Doreen Mulenga , Jimmy Kolker and Chewe Luo - AIDS Care,

In this study, data from 60 nationally representative household surveys (36 countries) were analyzed to establish if orphanhood and adult household illness consistently identified children with worse outcomes and also to identify other factors associated with adverse outcomes for children.

ONED - Scelles R., Zaouche Gaudron C, Delcroix S.,

SOS Villages d'Enfants a décidé de proposer une étude visant à aider les professionnels à travailler mieux avec la fratrie en les dotant d’outils d’analyse et d’évaluation. En effet, dans un contexte où une meilleure évaluation des situations des enfants est recherchée par tous, aucune recommandation précise n’existe pourtant pour permettre d’intégrer les relations fraternelles dans l’évaluation des besoins des enfants.

Save the Children ,

Call for greater political and financial commitment to help build parents’ capacity to care for their children and to tackle the poverty and social exclusion that underlie many of the problems experienced by children and their families.

Asian Center for Human Rights,

A fact-finding report on the fleeing of juveniles from the Government Observation Home, Special Home and Children’s Home (Combined) for Boys at Berhampur under Ganjam District of Orissa on 21-22 September 2010

John Williamson and Aaron Greenberg - Better Care Network,

With particular attention to lower income countries, Families, Not Orphanages examines the mismatch between children’s needs and the realities and long-term effects of residential institutions.

John Williamson and Aaron Greenberg ,

With particular attention to lower income countries, this paper examines the mismatch between children’s needs and the realities and long-term effects of residential institutions. The paper examines available evidence on the typical reasons why children end up in institutions, and the consequences and costs of providing this type of care compared to other options. The paper concludes with a description of better, family-based care alternatives and recommendations for policy-makers.


This compilation provides policymakers, programme managers, non-governmental organizations and others interested in implementing family skills training programmes with a review of existing evidence-based family skills training programmes. Its purpose is to provide details of the content of such programmes, the groups targeted, the materials used and the training implemented, in order to assist users in selecting the programme best suited to their needs and to offer guidance as to the kind of programmes available.

Russian Union of Social Workers and Social Pedagogues,

The Russian Union of Social Workers and Social Pedagogues is glad to inform experts in the social sphere about the Fourth International Forum of Social Workers of Siberia and the Far East “Family of the 21-st century. Hope for the Future”.