
Displaying 4961 - 4970 of 14348

USAID, UK aid, Hope and Homes for Children,

This report presents the findings of the 2019-2020 assessment conducted within the Pilot assessment of residential healthcare facilities for children and development of recommendations for reform in five baby homes of Dnipropetrovsk, Poltava and Kherson regions of Ukraine. In addition to the findings from the assessment of baby homes, the report presents results from the region assessments regarding needs in the medical rehabilitation, paediatric palliative care, and social services for children aged 0-6 years and their families. 

Farrukh Shah - Save the Children,

This study focuses on how the COVID-19 pandemic affects children aged 11-17 in India, including impacts on violence against children and social protection for children.

Save the Children,

This document includes a summary of Save the Children's work to strengthen civil society organizations in Kosovo, with a particular focus on banning corporal punishment in all settings. 

Pamela Feldman-Savelsberg - NEOS Volume 12, Issue 2,

This study of distributed parenting and new ideas about what it means to raise a child properly is informed by over three decades of research among the Bamiléké.

Naomi G. Goldberg and Amira Hasenbush - Politics, Oxford University Press,

This article argues that the patchwork of legal protections across U.S. states means that many LGBTQ-headed families lack needed security, stability, and legal recognition.

Andres Cuadros-Menaca, Isabella Aguirre, Isabella Borja - Revista Desarrollo y Sociedad,

This document analyzes the impact of international remittances on child labor and school attendance for children aged between 12 and 18 in Santiago de Cali, Colombia.

Theo G. M. Sandfort - New York City Administration for Children's Services (ACS),

This report provides the detailed findings from a survey on the proportion of youth in foster care in New York City who are LGBTQAI+ and differences in their experiences compared to those of youth who are not LGBTQAI+.

Katarzyna Ćwirynkało, Urszula Bartnikowska - Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy,

This report presents the opinions of foster parents in Poland on their cooperation with teachers.

UNICEF Office of Research-Innocenti,

The UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti has produced the Children and COVID-19 Research Library to highlight the available global scientific research and evidence on children and the coronavirus pandemic.


The Child Protection Learning Brief Series aims to extract, synthesise and analyse learning on child protection risks and programme adaptation in the COVID-19 pandemic, contributing to improving policy, advocacy and programme results during infectious disease outbreaks.