
Displaying 3081 - 3090 of 14348

Center for the Study of Social Policy,

This webinar discussed work that explores how community conditions that strengthen families can be improved.

Shalhevet Attar-Schwartz - Brothers and Sisters,

This study examined the self-reports of youth in Israeli residential care settings designed for youth from underprivileged backgrounds on the extent of perceived availability of support from their siblings among other sources of support, and the contribution of sibling support to various positive and negative measures of well-being and functioning.

Sudeshna Roy - Institutionalised Children Explorations and Beyond,

This article explores the dynamics of the institutional care of the out-of-home care (OHC) children, adolescents and children who are residing in alternative care homes, childcare institutes (CCIs), foster homes and who are in conflict with law like refugees or in juvenile correctional centres.

Ann Buchanan - Brothers and Sisters,

This chapter will record the views of a small sample of elders (now in their 70s, 80s and 90s), who grew up in Barnardo’s facilities in the UK, on being separated from their siblings and how they re-connected with their brothers and sisters in old age.

Saskia Blume and Nour Moussa - World Bank Blogs,

In this World Bank Blog Post, Saskia Blume and Nour Moussa of UNICEF's Children on the Move Team describe how "millions of ‘children left behind’ are taking the brunt of this fallout as their family members who moved internally or abroad in hopes of sustaining them, cut down on remittances" as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lauren Pilat - WA Today,

"While orphanages no longer exist in Western Australia, thousands of traumatised children live in out-of-home care in what some child protection staff call 'hidden' residential institutions," says this article from WA Today.

The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman,

In this report, the UK Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman is highlighting the experiences of children in the care system – and the difficulties they face when councils get things wrong.

Hannah Richardson - BBC News,

A recent watchdog report - which looks at the journey of children coming into care in the UK, creating stability, contact arrangements and eventually leaving care - has revealed "heart-breaking decisions about children in care," says this article from BBC News.

Hope and Homes for Children and Lumos,

This call to action - issued by a coalition of child rights organisations including Hope and Homes for Children, Lumos, Eurochild, and SOS Children's Villages - calls on the Ukrainian government and the European Union to "act before it is too late to protect the rights and future of some of the most forgotten and left behind children."


In this webinar, hosted by ECDAN, presentations will focus on available data on young children from low and middle-income countries to enable stakeholders to improve early development, learning and pre-primary education through better understanding of determinants of and risks to children’s development, economic consequences and policy and legal frameworks to address them.