
Displaying 11271 - 11280 of 14432

Better Care Network and UNICEF,

This video is presented by Better Care Network and UNICEF. It tells the story of Maureen, a young girl in Kenya who was separated from her family and sent to live in a children's home. The video also features interviews with experts, including those who have lived in children's homes, explaining some of the negative impacts of institutionalization and highlights the efforts of care reform initiatives to deinstitutionalize children in Kenya. 

Better Care Network and UNICEF,

This video is presented by Better Care Network and UNICEF. It tells the story of Maureen, a young girl in Kenya who was separated from her family and sent to live in a children's home. It also features interviews with experts, including those who have lived in children's homes, explaining some of the negative impacts of institutionalization and highlights the efforts of Care Reform Initiatives to deinstitutionalize children in Kenya and Ghana. 

UNICEF Rwanda,

The purpose of this consultancy is to conduct an assessment of institutions providing care and accommodation for children and young adults with disabilities in Rwanda.

World Health Organization,

The 7th Milestones of a Global Campaign for Violence Prevention Meeting - hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO) at its Executive Boardroom in Geneva, Switzerland - will focus on child maltreatment and youth violence, among other topics. 

Lydia DePillis - Washington Post,

This article highlights recent research exploring the negative effects parental deportation has on children in the US.

Rana Kamaly - Egyptian Streets,

This article explores the experiences of children who live in orphanages in Egypt, and the managers of those orphanages, as well as the public perceptions of those children, their situations, and the challenges they face.

Coordinating Comprehensive Care for Children (4Children) project,

Strengthening Uganda’s National Response for Implementation of Services for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children (SUNRISE-OVC) is a five-year project, which began June 2010, to deliver and monitor high quality, comprehensive and scaled-up services for OVC in 80 out of 112 districts in Uganda. The project was funded by USAID, working in partnership with the Government of Uganda’s (GoU) Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD) for oversight.

Channel News Asia,

According to this article from Channel News Asia, China has recently updated its rules regarding the adoption of abandoned or trafficked children, allowing a child to be adopted if authorities do not find parents or guardians during a year-long se

War Child UK,

War Child UK in collaboration with Educo, Plan International, Save the Children UK and World Vision International are hosting a launch event for their recently published report, ‘Interagency Study on Child-Friendly Feedback and Complaint Mechanisms within NGO programmes.’

Ingrid Sindi - Child Care in Practice ,

This article is an attempt to analyse and describe the process of change in child substitute care that has taken place since the re-independence of Estonia in 1991.