
Displaying 9851 - 9860 of 14435

Eric Rosenthal - American University Center for Human Rights & Humanitarian Law,

In this article, Eric Rosenthal examines the implications of the report of the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, Juan Méndez, focused on children deprived of liberty, on the placement of children in institutions and orphanages. 

Opening Doors for Europe's Children,

This country fact sheet highlights the care reforms that Spain has instituted over the past few years. This sheet also provides short facts and the latest developments on children in alternative care in Spain.

Elizabeth Ringler-Jayanthan - Social Worker Helper,

Unaccompanied migrant children from war-torn countries are at a greater risk of exploitation around the world. Social workers could be in the position of being the first to identify trafficking victims.

Opening Doors,

A review of the evidence on deinstitutionalisation (DI) and the status of care reforms across Europe in 2016  from the Opening Doors for Europe's Children campaign - a pan-European campaign advocating for strengthening families and ending institutional care. 

Asia Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood,

The theme is “The transformative power of Early Childhood Development (ECD): The importance of holistic interventions” with three sub-themes covering (i) policies and programmes; (ii) equitable access and participation; and (iii) quality monitoring.

Université de Genève Centre for Children’s Rights Studies,

Université de Genève Centre for Children’s Rights Studies announces its Call for applications for the 2017-2018 cycle of the Certificate of Advanced Studies in Children’s Rights (CCR).

Aid & International Development Forum ,

Aid & Development Africa Summit looks at how technological innovations and best practices can improve aid delivery and development strategy in East Africa.

Better Care Network,

Better Care Network seeks a consultant/team of consultants to document efforts to support care reforms in Uganda through the development of a comprehensive ‘Country Care Profile’.

Frank C Verhulst - The Lancet,

In this comment piece that accompanies Child-to-adult neurodevelopmental and mental health trajectories after early life deprivation: the young adult follow-up of the longitudinal English and Romanian Adoptees study, Frank C Verhulst discusses how that study "fills an important knowledge gap on the long-term mental health consequences of early severe childhood deprivation."

Sandra Laville -- The Guardian,

David Hill wants to shed a light on the abuse perpetrated against child migrants who entered Australia from 1947 to the 1970s.