
Displaying 9821 - 9830 of 14435

Michael Wessells, David Lamin, Marie Manyeh, Dora King, Lindsay Stark, Sarah Lilley and Kathleen Kostelny,

Using inter-agency action research in Sierra Leone, this chapter provides a case study on how a highly collaborative approach can enable child protection research to achieve a significant national impact.

Secretary-General on children and armed conflict in the Sudan - UN Security Council,

The present report was submitted to the UN Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict and focuses on the trends and patterns of the six categories of grave violations committed against children. 

Priscilla Idele and Tom Slaymaker - UNICEF,

“Is every child counted” provides a status report on the data availability of child related SDG indicators showing that sufficient data is available only for half of those; the report also identifies priorities for enhancing the collection, analysis and use of data for children.

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child. 


New law requires a court order before children can removed from the Solomon Islands for adoption.

Financial Tribune,

The child adoption rate in Iran has risen 35%.

Save the Children,

Save the Children is in search of a Regional Program Manager to work on its Regional Senior Management Team in Panama City, Panama.  The initial contract term is two years initially.


Kate van Doore - Griffith University ,

In this article, Kate van Doore discusses the need for establishing a Modern Slavery Act in Australia and explains the connection between orphanage volunteering and child trafficking. 

International Detention Coalition; End Immigration Detention of Children; PICUM; UNICEF; IOM; Save the Children,

This press release is in response to the European Commission's Recommendation and Renewed Action Plan for EU member states to return men, women and children staying irregularly in the EU to their countries of origin or transit.

Williamson, K., Gupta, P., Gillespie, L.A., Shannon, H. and Landis, D. – Oxfam,

This Evidence Brief provides an overview of the systematic review.