
Displaying 9861 - 9870 of 14435

A. M. Naughton, L. E. Cowley, V. Tempest, S. A. Maguire, M. K. Mann, A. M. Kemp - Child: Care, Health and Development,

This review aims to identify features that adolescents experiencing neglect and/ or emotional maltreatment report.

Ademola L. Adelekan et al. - Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science ,

This article presents the achievements of a care and support programme among orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in Bayelsa State, Nigeria as well as the implications for future programming. 

Owen Ndoromo, Karin Österman, and Kaj Björkqvist - Journal of Child & Adolescent Behavior ,

The study investigated the life of children in the street in post-war South Sudan. A main objective was to examine whether children who slept in the streets although they had parents they could go home to had been victimised more from domestic violence than children working in the street by day but spending the nights at home. 

Prof Edmund J S Sonuga-Barke, Mark Kennedy, Prof Robert Kumsta, Nicky Knights, Dennis Golm, Prof Michael Rutter, et al. - The Lancet,

This study used data from the English and Romanian Adoptees study to assess whether deprivation-associated adverse neurodevelopmental and mental health outcomes persist into young adulthood.

Jan Naert, Rudi Roose, Richard C. Rapp, Wouter Vanderplasschen - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study provides a systematic review of the literature, focusing on the conceptualization and evaluation of continuity. 

Voice of Asia,

Voice of Asia reports that Indian police arrested heads of an adoption centre said to have trafficked at least 17 children to couples in foreign countries.

Cyprus Mail Online,

Hope for Children starts pilot foster care program in Cyprus.

Heidi Allen, Allison McGovern, Tom Brake, Anne McLaughlin,

This opinion piece from The Times states that the UK must honor its commitment to unaccompanied refugee children and take them in.

Catholic Relief Services -- Devex,

Catholic Relief Services seeks a Senior Technical Advisor—Orphans & Vulnerable Children to work as part of Central Africa Regional Office and Program Impact and Quality Assurance.

Georgette Mulheir and Lynn Lina Gyllensten - The Routledge Handbook of Global Child Welfare,

This chapter explores the drivers behind the continued, and in some parts of the world, growing, institutionalization of children.