Displaying 1281 - 1290 of 14555
This study aimed to explore the risks facing orphans and vulnerable children in a children’s home in a township setting during COVID-19 in Johannesburg, South Africa.
This article discusses the evolution of adoption policy and practices in Guatemala from the 1990s to 2021.
Kherson city was liberated by Ukrainian forces in November. But for some, the horrors of the Russian occupation are still not over. Nadia* sent her 14-year-old son to a Russian-run summer camp in Crimea – occupied by Moscow since 2014 – in October. He was meant to return after two weeks. It has now been more than two months.
This paper studies the emotional and behavioural difficulties and the personal wellbeing of adolescents under protective measures in Spain.
The COVID-19 pandemic severely disrupted the daily lives of people globally. In this narrative essay, the authors use the story-telling method to reflect on the challenges encountered and initiatives undertaken by a support group network for Youth Care Leavers (YCLs) community during the COVID-19 pandemic in Maharashtra, India.
تهدف هذه المذكرة التوجيهية إلى دعم منفذي البرنامج والمنسقين والجهات الفاعلة الإنسانية الأخرى في معالجة الانتحار وإيذاء النفس في الأوضاع الإنسانية. إنه يجمع مجموعة واسعة من الأساليب والأدوات والمواد المرجعية وأمثلة الحالة.
本指导说明旨在支持项目实施者、协调员和其他人道主义行为者解决人道主义环境中的自杀和自残问题。 它汇集了范围广泛的方法、工具、参考资料和案例示例。 它是一种实用而简洁的资源,适用于所有类型的紧急情况、组织和部门。
Cette note d'orientation vise à aider les responsables de la mise en œuvre des programmes, les coordinateurs et les autres acteurs humanitaires à lutter contre le suicide et l'automutilation dans les contextes humanitaires.
Esta nota de orientação visa apoiar os implementadores de programas, coordenadores e outros atores humanitários na abordagem do suicídio e da automutilação em contextos humanitários.
Это руководство направлено на оказание поддержки исполнителям программ, координаторам и другим гуманитарным организациям в борьбе с самоубийствами и членовредительством в гуманитарных условиях.