
Demographic Data

  • Total Population: 37.78 million
  • Population under 15 years: 48%
  • Life Expectancy at Birth: 59 years
  • Human Development Index: 163 out of 188
  • World Bank Status: Low income
  • HIV/AIDS Prevalence (age 15-49): 7.3%
  • Mean Household Composition: 4.9 persons
  • Female-Headed Households: 29.5%
  • Early Marriage (% of children married by 18 years): 40%

Sources: World Bank, UNICEF, UNDP HDR 2015, DHS 2011

Displaying 9181 - 9190 of 14391

Better Care Network,

Better Care Network (BCN) is recruiting for a Knowledge and Communications Specialist to manage the day–to-day operation and development of BCN’s information platforms, including its website, newsletter, and social media outlets. 

Michelle Wisbey - The Advocate,

The Tasmanian government has committed to reforming the state's child protection system, including investments in prevention and early intervention services, hiring additional staff and streamlining the reporting process. 

World Learning ,

World Learning is inviting individuals and organizations to submit proposals to Develop Community-level Case Management Guidance to Support Family Care for Children with Disabilities, for use by those working in child care reform. 

Antonio Garcia - Social Work Helper,

Poorly delivered services by the strained U.S. child protection system cause considerable harm to children placed in care. Transforming the child welfare system will require evidenced-based changes in service delivery, including: improved and ongoing training to child welfare workers, enhanced preventive efforts, and the reallocation of resources. 

Joanna Gasiorowska - Al Jazeera,

This news report describes how the foreign financing of orphanages in Haiti fuels the growth of a corrupt orphanage industry and enables unregistered institutions in the country to continue operating outside the law.

Ruwaida Md Zain - New Straits Times,

A Malaysian welfare organization has urged the federal government to set up a special body to regulate and control illegal orphanages in the country due to exploitation and abuse of the children living in the homes. 

Fatima Ipeleng Mmusi & Adrian D.van Breda - Children and Youth Services Review,

This qualitative study investigates how a sample of male care-leavers from Girls and Boys Town South Africa transferred these social skills into independent living.

Francesca Stuer & Kate Greenaway - 4Children/Catholic Relief Services,

In this case study, Coordinating Comprehensive Care of Children (4Children) documents and evaluates the work of COGRI’s Lea Toto program and the FHI360 led APHIAplus program in Kenya.

Francesca Stuer & Kate Greenaway - 4Children/CRS,

In this case study, Coordinating Comprehensive Care of Children (4Children) documents and evaluates the work of Pact's Yekokeb Berhan Program for Highly Vulnerable Children in Ethiopia.

Francesca Stuer & Kate Greenaway - 4Children/Catholic Relief Services,

In this case study, Coordinating Comprehensive Care of Children (4Children) documents and evaluates the work of the World Education/Bantwana Expanded IMPACT program in Zimbabwe.