
Demographic Data:

  • Total Population: 15,245,855
  • Population under 15: 41.6%
  • Life Expectancy at Birth: 57.5 years
  • Human Development Index: 155 out of 188 
  • World Bank Status: Low Income
  • HIV/AIDS Prevalence (age 15-49): 16.7%
  • Mean Household Composition: 4.1 persons
  • Female-Headed Households: 44.6%

Sources: World Bank, UNDP, DHS 2010-11


Displaying 5201 - 5210 of 14348

Kui Hee Song - Journal of Mental Health and Social Behaviour,

This article presents findings and recommendations from the first year of a two-year evaluation of the Local Interagency Network for Children and Family Services (LINCS) program, a part of the Shasta County Department of Social Services in northern California.

Helen Hingley‐Jones, Lucille Allain, Helen Gleeson, Bismark Twumasi - Child & Family Social Work,

This paper reports a small qualitative research study where 10 sets of grandparents were interviewed to explore their journey to becoming GSGs and to theorize their subsequent experiences.

Beth Tarleton & Danielle Turney - Child Indicators Research,

Social practice theory (SPT) was used as a theoretical and analytical framework in a study which investigated ‘successful’ professional practices when working with parents with learning difficulties where there are concerns about child neglect.

Susan Baidawi & Rosemary Sheehan - Australian Institute of Criminology,

This paper from the Australian Institute of Criminology presents selected findings of a detailed case file audit of 300 crossover children (children from child protection backgrounds in the youth justice system) appearing before the Children’s Court of Victoria, Australia in 2016–17.

Martin T. Hall, Jeanelle Sears, Matthew T. Walton - Child Maltreatment,

This study aimed to systematically review motivational interviewing (MI) with child welfare (CW) families as well as MI training with CW workers and social work students training to become CW workers.

Sang Jung Lee, Eun Mi An & Ick-Joong Chung - Child Indicators Research,

This study aims to develop a Korean out-of-home care satisfaction scale based on questions from the Foster Care Improvements Project.

Charles V. Izzo, Elliott G. Smith, Deborah E. Sellers, Martha J. Holden, Michael A. Nunno - Children and Youth Services Review,

The current study examined the effects of implementing a new program model on the quality of relationships between direct care providers and residents in group care agencies.

Ruth Soffer-Elnekave, Wendy Haight, Bailey Jader - Children and Youth Services Review,

This qualitative study examines the Minnesota One-Stop for Communities Parent Mentor Program (MPMP). African American parents previously involved in the child welfare system conceptualized and spearheaded this program for parents currently involved in the system to reduce the involvement of families of color in child welfare, provide support and build protective factors.

Luca Milani, Serena Grumi, Elena Camisasca, Sarah Miragoli, Daniela Traficante, Paola Di Blasio - Children and Youth Services Review,

The present study aimed to investigate both familial and mother/father-related risk and protective factors that influenced CPS (Child Protection Services) workers’ decision about the child placement through the “judgment analysis” approach.

Jessica C. Johannisen, Hannelie Yates, Carlien van Wyk - HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies,

This article explores and presents the voices of children regarding how they experience their participation in multidisciplinary meetings at a child and youth care centre.