
Demographic Data:

  • Total Population: 15,245,855
  • Population under 15: 41.6%
  • Life Expectancy at Birth: 57.5 years
  • Human Development Index: 155 out of 188 
  • World Bank Status: Low Income
  • HIV/AIDS Prevalence (age 15-49): 16.7%
  • Mean Household Composition: 4.1 persons
  • Female-Headed Households: 44.6%

Sources: World Bank, UNDP, DHS 2010-11


Displaying 8641 - 8650 of 14348

Jorge Barrera - CBC News,

This article from CBC News tells the story of Robert Kalkman, a victim of Canada's "Sixties Scoop" who was taken away from his Indigenous mother as a baby by child welfare services and adopted by a non-native family. 

House of Commons Education Committee,

This report continues a predecessor Committee’s inquiry into fostering in the UK. It emphasizes the importance of valuing the young people in foster care, foster carers, and the foster care system itself.

Brigitte Lueger-Schuster, Matthias Knefel, Tobias M. Glück, Reinhold Jagsch, Viktoria Kantor, Dina Weindl - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This study examines and compares the extent of child maltreatment (physical, emotional, and sexual abuse; physical and emotional neglect) and lifetime traumatization with regard to current adult mental health in a group of survivors of institutional abuse and a comparison group from the community. 

Elizabeth Jane Greeno, Berenice Rushovich, Sarah Catherine Williams, Joshua Brusca, Kantahyanee Murray - International Social Work,

The purpose of this mixed methods study was to assess the experiences of child welfare workers trained in Family Finding and to assess the experiences of the youth who participated in Family Finding. 

Jakob von Uexkull - Huffington Post,

In this piece for the Huffington Post, founder of World Future Council Jakob von Uexkull, writes about  Zanzibar's Children's Act of 2011 and how it has been implemented and enforced to improve child protection practices in Zanzibar.

Cecilia Menjívar & Krista M. Perreira - Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,

In this introduction to a special issue on unaccompanied migrant minors from the Global South to Europe and the U.S., the authors seek to shed light on what resources and experiences unaccompanied migrants arrive with, stressing these young migrants’ challenges at each stage prior to arrival and the challenges they face navigating the receiving context.

Thomas M. Crea, Andrew D. Reynolds, Kelley McCreery Bunkers, Caroline M. Bishop - International Journal of Social Welfare,

This study has reviewed existing literature on the definitions and components of social service systems and provides an analysis of data from key informants in the field of global social welfare. 

Nawaf Al Faryan, Margarita Frederico, Janelle Young - International Social Work,

In this article, child protection managers and direct service workers in Saudi Arabia report their experiences in implementing new policies. 

Matthew Hodes, Melisa Mendoza Vasquez, Dimitris Anagnostopoulos, Kalliopi Triantafyllou, Dalia Abdelhady, Karin Weiss, Roman Koposov, Fusun Cuhadaroglu, Johannes Hebebrand, Norbert Skokauskas - European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry,

This paper provides an overview of the post 2015 immigration crisis in key European countries with a special focus on current demographics, refugee children, mental health studies, policies and practical support available for refugees.

Education Committee, Parliament of the United Kingdom,

The Education Committee of the UK's Parliament has published a report on Foster Care. The report includes conclusions and recommendations for valuing young people in care as well as foster carers and the care system.