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This analysis conducted by the UK Office for National Statistics explores the education and social care background of care-experienced young people in England who were imprisoned at any point up to the age of 24 years.
Using national child welfare data, the authors examined a subset of foster children (7%) who entered care due to parental incarceration in the U.S.
Le Comité insiste, en particulier, sur la gravité des actes de discrimination et de violence fondée sur le genre commis à l’encontre des femmes et des filles autochtones handicapées placées en institution.
El Comité destaca en particular la gravedad de la discriminación y la violencia de género contra las mujeres y las niñas Indígenas con discapacidad que viven en instituciones.
This study sets out a framework to help reduce the number of children living in poverty and prevent more families from falling into financial distress.
The Committee highlights, in particular, the gravity of discrimination and gender-based violence against Indigenous women and girls with disabilities who are living in institutions.
This book examines the involvement of those with care experience in the criminal justice system in an Australian jurisdiction. The majority of children in care do not come into contact with the youth justice system. However, among children involved in the youth justice system, those with care experience are overrepresented. The authors focus on the process of colonialisation and criminalisation, rather than crime.
This paper examines the understanding of poverty emerging in voluntourists’ accounts of their first-hand experiences of poverty alleviation. Based on the ethnography of an orphanage in Nepal, the authors show that despite voluntourists’ good intentions and even (self-)criticism of the volunteer tourism approach to poverty relief, their accounts tend to consolidate rather regressive ideas about poverty.
There exists a gap in care leaving literature about the extent to which the labelling and stereotyping of care leavers during their time in residential care facilities affects their transitions into adulthood. This paper presents an analysis of interviews conducted with care leavers from six childcare facilities in Zimbabwe (n = 30).
This sixteenth issue of the South African Child Gauge focuses attention on child and adolescent mental health and how early experiences of adversity ripple out across the life course and generations at great cost to individuals and society. It calls on South African society to put children at the centre of all policies in order to protect children from harm, build their capacity to cope with stress and adversity, and provide them with opportunities to thrive.