Alternative Care and COVID-19

This section includes resources and tools related to alternative care during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Displaying 71 - 80 of 184

Better Care Network and Consortium for Street Children,

In this webinar hosted by Better Care Network and the Consortium for Street Children, speakers from three NGOs presented on and discussed the care implications of COVID-19 and responses to the pandemic on street-affected children.

Mary Baginsky and Jill Manthorpe - NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce, The Policy Institute, King’s College London,

This research set out to capture the ways in which adaptations were made by UK local authorities in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. This report is based on the experiences of 15 local authority children’s social care (CSC) departments that volunteered to participate in the research and whose views were captured between late May and early June 2020.

Justin Rogers, Mark Furnival, Rebecca Wright, Steve Stockley and Ian Thomas - Martin James Foundation,

This brief report explores the impact that Covid-19 has had on fostering households in the United Kingdom.

Child's i Foundation,

This report from Child's i Foundation provides an overview of the organisation's response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Uganda.

The Fostering Network,

This report from the Fostering Network presents findings from a rapid response survey for foster carers and fostering services across the UK that sought to understand fostered children’s experiences of education during the pandemic.

UK Department for Education,

This guidance explains the strategy for infection prevention and control, including the specific circumstances PPE should be used, to enable safe working in education, childcare and children’s social care settings in England during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN),

This Joint Statement the ASEAN Ministers responsible for social welfare and development outlines their concerns and commitments to action regarding meeting the needs of vulnerable people impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, including children with disabilities, children deprived of liberty, and children in institutional care, among other groups.


En este documento se ofrece orientación provisional a los agentes de protección de la niñez y de la salud en el contexto de las medidas de cuarentena y aislamiento para mitigar los riesgos conexos de protección de la niñez, reducir al mínimo la separación familiar y promover la unidad familiar y la cohesión social.


Настоящий документ представляет собой временное руководство для субъектов в области защиты прав детей и в системе здравоохранения в контексте карантинно-изоляционных мероприятий с целью снижения рисков, связанных с защитой прав детей, минимизации случаев разлучения семей, а также содействия единству семей и социальной сплоченности.


This document provides interim guidance for child protection and health actors in the context of quarantine and isolation measures to mitigate related child protection risks, minimize family separation, and promote family unity and social cohesion.