Resource Center on COVID-19 and Children's Care

This section includes resources on the response to the COVID-19 pandemic as it relates to child protection and children's care.

News on COVID-19 and Children's Care

Webinars and Events on COVID-19 Response 


Displaying 341 - 350 of 748

Fórum da Sociedade Civil para os Direitos da Criança – ROSC,

Nos finais de 2019, a China presenciou uma onda de mortes devido a eclosão do novo coronavírus, tendo-se alastrado para outros países no início de 2020 incluindo Moçambique, o que levou a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) a declará-lo pandemia mu

Save the Children,

This report finds that children in Uganda are increasingly vulnerable and at risk from an in crease in violence and abuse, stress, poverty, and hazardous coping strategies such as child labour and child marriage during the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, vulnerable children have less support than usual. 

Emmanuel Grupper, Shachar Shuman - FICE Israel,

FICE Israel decided to initiate a short survey to document and share information about the way different countries handled their policies and practices in residential care facilities during that period. This report presents findings and some conclusions from this primary survey.

Joining Forces (ChildFund, Plan International, Save the Children, SOS Children’s Villages, Terre des Hommes and World Vision),

In this policy brief, Joining Forces, as a coalition of six child rights organisations, calls for child protection to be prioritised in the response to COVID-19.

Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood,

This report presents the findings from a survey commissioned by the Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood (ARNEC) to get insights and share experiences on the situation of children and the status of early childhood development (ECD) as a result of COVID-19 and the resulting containment and risk mitigation measures being implemented in countries in Asia-Pacific region.

The Lancet Global Health,

This editorial from The Lancet Global Health discusses the effect of COVID-19 on food insecurity, particularly for women and children.


This webpage from UNICEF links to the Policy Brief on the Impact of COVID-19 on children, the Dashboard on Data to inform the COVID-19 response, and other key data resources on COVID-19 and its impacts on children.

World Vision,

Based on World Vision's extensive experience working with children and families in crisis, this policy brief outlines recommendations to stakeholders, such governments, UN agencies, NGOs, and donors, and calls for the use of child-sensitive social protection in these stakeholder’s responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. 


This document provides interim guidance for child protection and health actors in the context of quarantine and isolation measures to mitigate related child protection risks, minimize family separation,and promote family unity and social cohesion.

UK Department for Education,

This advice seeks to support staff working in schools, colleges and childcare settings, to care for children in the safest way possible, focusing on measures they can put in place to help limit risk of the virus spreading within education and childcare settings.