Child Participation

Children have the right to participate in matters affecting their lives and should be enabled to give their opinions, and to have those opinions taken into account. Through participation, children learn self-expression, empowerment and ultimately greater self-esteem.  Children are a diverse group and therefore children of different ages, abilities, backgrounds, races, and both genders should ideally be included in a consultation process.

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Jen Skattebol, Myra Hamilton, Grace Skrzypiec, Tammy Burnstock, Gerry Redmond, Bridget Jenkins and Kirk Dodd ,

This document reports on Phase One of the Australian Child Wellbeing Project, a child-centred study in which young people’s perspectives are being used to design a major nationally representative survey of wellbeing among 8-14 year olds, and to interpret findings from that survey. It uses focus groups and in-depth interviews with young people in six groups who are often seen as experiencing high levels of marginalisation or as having particular experiences and needs, including young people living in out of home care and young people living with disability.

Elaine Farmers, Julie Selwyn, and Sarah Meakings from the School of Policy Studies at University of Bristol, UK,

This study funded by Big Lottery and undertaken in partnership between the University of Bristol and Buttle UK, a grant-giving charity for vulnerable children, aims to fill gaps in understanding about the experiences of children living with kins, and in particular how children in informal kinship care view their situation.

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child as part of its examination during the sixty-third session (27 May-14 June 2013) of Israel’s second to fourth periodic reports to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, as well as other care-related concluding observations, ratification dates, and links to the Universal Periodic Review and Hague Intercountry Adoption Country Profile.

Gillian Mann,

The Millennium Development Goals will come to an end in 2015 and discussions are currently taking place on what framework will replace them. Children’s participation is crucial to these discussions. Between July 2012 and March 2013, members of Family for Every Child consulted with children living in seven different countries. This report summarizes the main findings that emerged from these consultations.

Eddy. J. Walakira, Ddumba-Nyanzi Ismail, Jimrex Byamugisha,

This report describes the process, findings and recommendations of the baseline survey for the project titled, “Building and Strengthening Community-Based Child Protection Systems in Busoga and Acholi sub-regions” commissioned by ANPPCAN. The baseline survey was intended to establish the status of project indicators so that the information obtained can inform the implementation of project activities.

Florentin Azia, Mathilde Guntzberger, Oasis Kodila ,

This research looked at the factors affecting the family reintegration of girls in the Tshangu district of Kinshasa (DRC), an operational zone of the local NGO OSEPER, a partner of War Child for a 3-year project, seeking to address the needs of street-connected girls, including family reintegration.

Committee on the Rights of the Child, United Nations,

General Comment 14, issued by the Committee on the Rights of the Child, refers to article 3, paragraph 1, of the Convention on the Rights of the Child that asserts the right of the child to have his or her best interests taken as primary consideration in all actions or decisions that concern him or her (in both the public and private spheres).


In its 2013 State of the World’s Children Report, UNICEF has chosen to highlight the particular issues, needs, and circumstances of children with disabilities worldwide. The report includes a description of the common issues that children with disabilities face, models for inclusive policy and practice, and an agenda for action moving forward.

Better Care Network ,

This country care review includes the Concluding Observations for the Committee on the Rights of the Child adopted as part of its examination of Liberia's second and fourth periodic reports at the 61st Session of the Committee held between 17 September and 5 October, 2012. The Committee’s recommendations on the issue of Family Environment and Alternative Care as well as other care relevant issues are highlighted.

Emily Delap ,

This paper is the culmination of a series of inter-agency papers on the links between child protection and major development goals, designed to feed into the thematic debates around the post-2015 development framework.