Child Participation

Children have the right to participate in matters affecting their lives and should be enabled to give their opinions, and to have those opinions taken into account. Through participation, children learn self-expression, empowerment and ultimately greater self-esteem.  Children are a diverse group and therefore children of different ages, abilities, backgrounds, races, and both genders should ideally be included in a consultation process.

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Lucia Winters for Council for Disabled Children ,

A directory of resources promoting and guiding the participation of disabled children and young people in program development.

Church World Service,

This paper shares the philosophy and key components of the African development initiative Giving Hope that works with youth caregivers through an asset-based empowerment methodology. The approach facilitates the restoration of youth caregivers’ sense of self, belonging, power, and collective responsibility.


This module provides practical information, guidelines, inspiring case studies and participatory tools to support organisations and key adult actors to engage with  children as rights holders and social actors, supporting their participation in decision­  making processes, which affect them and their communities.

International Social Service,

This article seeks to share a few examples of the implementation of the principle of the child’s right to participate from a recent desktop review conducted by ISS/IRC around the world.


This module provides practical information, guidelines and participatory tools for  taking rights­-based approaches to programme planning and implementation. 

Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Develpoment, UNICEF, Uganda Child Rights NGO Network (UCRNN),

This is a National Guide for the participation of children which has been developed in consonance with Art. 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN CRC).

Save the Children Sweden,

Documents children’s opinions about the services and education they receive on sexuality, HIV/AIDS and reproductive health in sub-Saharan Africa

Glynis Clacherty,

A qualitative study of children living with grandmothers in the Nshamba area of northwestern Tanzania

Kay Johnson,

This document sets forth key standards through which child and youth protection, particularly in regards to foster care, will be approached in Western Australia.

Kurt Madoerin and REPSSI ,

An overview of the development and benefits of child and youth-led organizations across Tanzania’s Kagera region, primarily for children who have lost one or both parents.