Child Care and Protection System Reforms

Social welfare sector reform is increasingly common, particularly in transitional countries in Central and Eastern Europe.  Increasing attention has been paid to the development of preventive community based child and family welfare programs that would, in coordination with health and education programs and social assistance, provide a range of support for vulnerable families.   

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Huseynli A - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This study examined the status of the State Program on Deinstitutionalization and Alternative Care (SPDAC), a public policy aimed at transforming 55 institutions covering 14,500 children during 2006-2016 in Azerbaijan. 

Jeremy Sammut - The Centre for Independent Studies,

This research report reviews the child protection and adoption policies in Australia and the long-term plan of the New South Wales (NSW) government "to restructure the operation of the child protection system to increase sustainability and improve performance by achieving permanency for more children."

MEASURE Evaluation,

This report outlines the sessions of a workshop help in London with representatives from four countries participating in a USAID/DCOF-funded activity aimed at intensifying country leadership in advancing national efforts on behalf of children who lack adequate family care, and provides highlights, key discussion points, and action items.

Neil Crowther, Gerard Quinn & Alexandra Hillen-Moore - Community Living for Europe: Structural Funds Watch,

This report from Community Living for Europe: Structural Funds Watch reviews findings of an examination of the EU financial framework as it relates to the promotion of community-based care of children and adults and offers key recommendations for the EU and Member States to facilitate the transition from institutional to community-based care.

MEASURE Evaluation,

This report outlines the MEASURE Evaluation workshop sessions and provides highlights, key discussion points, and action items.

Ngoni S Nsana, Bob Muzyamba, Mutinta Nketani - Save the Children,

The purpose of this endline evaluation is to assess the CRG, CP and HIV&AIDS achievements against the project goal and outputs.

Better Care Network,

This discussion paper explores the interlinkages between violence against children and children's care in the African context, including in legal and policy frameworks, data collection and use for decision making, service delivery, and public awareness to ensure families can be supported and empowered to provide protective, stable, and appropriate care for children. 

UNICEF Rwanda,

This video from UNICEF Rwanda shows some of the moving stories of children and their new families who have been brought together through the TMM initiative, which reintegrates children who have been living in institutions into families and the community. 

Opening Doors for Europe's Children,

This position paper from Opening Doors for Europe's Children explains the position of the organization in regards to the EU's Multiannual Financial Framework and the measures within it to support or inhibit the transition from institutional care to family-based care of children.

Inter-Agency Group,

Resulting from the June 2017 Africa Expert Consultation on Violence against Children in All Care Settings and adopted by all participants, this Declaration calls upon leaders at national, sub-regional, pan-African and global levels for further action to fulfill their obligation to protect children against violence in all care settings, with emphasis on alternative care.