Recent Publications

Displaying 351 - 360 of 10391

Jewel Gausman, Rockli Kim, Akhil Kumar, Shamika Ravi, S V Subramanian,

In this study, the authors aim to present a systematic description of the trends in child marriage in girls and boys aged 20–24 years in India and its 36 states and Union Territories between 1993 and 2021.

Center for the Study of Social Policy,

On December 14, 2023, Kheya Ganguly led a presentation on the Center for the Study of Social Policy's monthly Strengthening Families webinar. This presentation unpacked how to better understand how trauma affects practitioners and the ones they support. Attendees learned about new ways to conceptualize resilience by considering it rather as a transformation. 

Mari Rysst,

This chapter in the book "Child Welfare and the Value of Family Privacy" addresses aims and challenges in the processes of including children and youth in foster families and suggests a solution inspired by anthropological literature. The author argues that the ‘best interests of the child’ are closely tied to staying in a stable foster home, which emerged in interviews with children in the Norwegian Child Welfare Services (CWS) and foster parents.

UNICEF, Maestral International,

This research brief summarizes what is already known about child marriage and early unions (CMEUs) in the Caribbean, complemented by the findings of research commissioned by UNICEF in the framework of the Spotlight Initiative Caribbean Regional Programme and conducted in six Caribbean countries: Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Guyana, Haiti, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago.

Child Identity Protection,

Judge Raul Pangalangan International Criminal Court Judge (2015 – 2021)

Emily Smith Goering, Sarah Kaye, Lucia Reyes, Stephanie Beleal, Alyse Almadani, Caitlin Proctor-Frazier, Elisa Rosman,

This longitudinal study evaluates the effectiveness of BLINDED intervention, an intervention that utilizes family search and engagement practices to place children who enter foster care in kinship placements as quickly as possible in the U.S.

Catholic Relief Services,

Daniela Mamaliga, Director of Partnerships for Every Child, presents the findings and conclusions of a comprehensive 2022 financial assessment conducted by CTWWC in six residential institutions. The financial assessments aimed to inform political decisions on the future of the six institutions, including their transformation/reorganization plans. Ms. Mamaliga highlights that though the average annual cost for caring for a child is increasing in all six institutions, even as number of children and staff is decreasing in some of them.

Catholic Relief Services,

“When we talk about equity and efficiency and what is right for children, when we provide services to families and children, we need to make sure that we are not just investing wisely, but that we are reaching

Catholic Relief Services,

As an experienced social worker and practice lead at Social Work Scotland, Vivien Thomson shares valuable insights underscoring the importance of investing in the social service workforce to drive meaningful care reform. Drawing from lessons learned in Scotland's Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) policy framework, Ms. Thomson, illuminates the critical role of social workers and the need to empower them as the glue that holds together multi-agency teams.

Catholic Relief Services,

Former World Bank Economist and President of Maestral International, Philip Goldman, makes a compelling, data-driven case for the need for a paradigm shift in how Moldova approaches the financing of care and protection of its children.