Displaying 771 - 780 of 10391
Since 24 February, 7.5 million children from Ukraine1 have been victims of the largest human displacement crisis in the world today, with lasting consequences for generations to come.
This case study details the experience of Attim, a 54-year-old grandmother from Eastern Uganda who provides care for her grandchildren after they left residential care. Social workers in Uganda often find that placement with extended family members is the most appropriate option for children leaving residential care.
This case study tracks the impact of family support services to a Ugandan mother and her family during the COVID-19 pandemic in an effort to prevent family separation.
This case study documents the story of David's reintegration from a residential care home for children with disabilities in Rwanda to kinship care with his grandparents.
This case study documents the story of Mary, one of thousands of children in Kenya who were sent to family care suddenly without any preparation when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Mary's story highlights the need for family assistance to see a reunification through to successful reintegration.
This is the monthly update of the Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Learning Platform published in January 2023.
This study was designed to be a small insights-based qualitative learning and reflection study to explore catalysts for transition. It was based on interviews conducted with Charitable Children’s Institutions’ (CCI) directors that sought to identify and explore the range of factors that influenced each director’s decision to transition their residential care services, and the interplay between those factors.
This UNICEF ESARO webinar discussed strategies for building strong families and communities and preventing child-family separation in the region.
With a focus on 2022-23 themes of transition of care services, development of family-based alternative care, participation of people with lived experience and disability inclusion, this report details several of the significant outcomes and program activities achieved by the work of the CTWWC Maestral team over the last year.
El objetivo fundamental del presente libro es el análisis comparativo de las políticas, prácticas e investigaciones en relación a los sistemas de protección infantil en diversos países de América Latina y Europa. Las distintas experiencias recogidas en el texto esperamos contribuyan a aportar a la escasa literatura existente sobre el tema en Iberoamérica, pese a su enorme relevancia para los distintos intervinientes, investigadores, comunidad profesional y tomadores de decisiones.