This country page features an interactive, icon-based data dashboard providing a national-level overview of the status of children’s care and care reform efforts (a “Country Care Snapshot”), along with a list of resources and organizations in the country.
Key Stakeholders
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Drivers of Institutionaliziation
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Key Data Sources
Add New DataThe Children Act (Uganda)
Country Care Review: Uganda
Prevalence and number of children living in institutional care: global, regional, and country estimates
The National Integrated Early Childhood Development Policy Action Plan (2016-2021) of Uganda
Catholic Care for Children in Uganda: A Family for Every Child - Findings from a Midterm Evaluation
Data for this country care snapshot was contributed by a consultant with the Data for Impact (D4I) Project at Palladium Group LLC.
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This case study is part of a series of case studies conducted in India, Kenya, Moldova and Uganda over the course of 2020-2022 to share information on how COVID-19 has and is affecting family-child reunification, alternative care placement, and offers recommendations for family- and community-based care of vulnerable children in the context of COVID-19 and future emergencies.
Join the Transforming Children’s Care Global Collaborative Platform Task Force on Family Reunification and Reintegration on a virtual panel on country examples of family reintegration in India, Uganda and Kenya.
This video is aimed at policy makers and programme managers just starting on the care reform journey.
The Task Force on Foster Care of the Transforming Children's Care Global Collaborative Platform held the fifth webinar in the spotlight series on Foster Care Practice on 15 September 2022. The webinar explored participation in foster care with particular focus on individual decision making for children and young people. We heard from people with lived experience of foster care in different contexts, including Uganda, Ireland and Argentina.
Although care reform is well established in some parts of the Eastern and Southern Africa, many countries in the region are just beginning their care reform journey. This short paper is aimed at these contexts. It explains what care reform is, the different components of care reform, why care reform is important and how to start a care reform process.
Key lessons learnt on how to carry out effective care reform in Eastern and Southern Africa from the COVID 19 pandemic.
This webinar hosted by the ESARO Regional Learning Platform, provides nine lessons learned on care reform from the COVID-19 pandemic with examples from Malawi, Uganda and Kenya.
This webinar provides nine lessons learnt on care reform from the COVID-19 pandemic with examples from Malawi, Uganda and Kenya.
The Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Learning Platform hosted a webinar on June 22, 2022, featuring speakers from UNICEF's head office and the Better Care Network who provided detailed examples on the importance of data in Uganda's care reform processes. This purpose of this webinar was to examine the importance of using data to inform care reform, and how data can be collected and used effectively.
The webinar, hosted by Transform Alliance Africa, provides an overview of the progress and findings from our youth wellbeing project. The youth wellbeing project is a community mental health initiative led by care experienced youth that aims to develop a safe transition pathway for young people leaving orphanages and provide support to young people experiencing well being and mental health challenges in the community.