United States of America

List of Organisations

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List of Organisations

Colleen E. Bennet, M. Katherine Henry, Joanne N. Wood - Foster Care,

This paper reviews the development, behavioral, and mental health needs of children in foster care.

Amy Dworsky, Elissa Gitlow, Kristen Ethier - Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago,

This report presents preliminary results from an evaluation of the Home Visiting Pilot Program, serving pregnant or parenting youth in foster care.

Child Welfare Information Gateway - Children's Bureau,

This factsheet outlines the types of adoption support and preservation services available in the U.S., their benefits, and ways to find services in your area.

Benjamin J. Roth, Thomas M. Crea, Jayshree Jani, Dawnya Underwood, Robert G. Hasson III, Kerri Evans, Michael T. Zuch, Emily E. Hornung,

This paper explores what happens to children separated from their families at the U.S. border with Mexico by examining the nature of the services and programs provided while they are in temporary foster care.

U.S. Children's Bureau,

This bulletin highlights supports and services for kinship caregivers, training for caseworkers and caregivers, and examples of successful kinship care programs.

Emma Martin - Texas A&M Law Review,

This Comment will look first at the mechanics behind rehoming—what it is and where it fits into the legal framework of the child welfare system. Next, it will look at the causes of rehoming, focusing specifically on how trauma in a child’s background can create a need for specialized training techniques. Lastly, it will look at other states’ legislation to combat rehoming and suggest different areas where Texas can improve its child welfare laws to both prevent and deter rehoming.

Ginny Nunez - Penn State Journal of Law & International Affairs,

This comment will argue that unaccompanied alien children have a due process right to appointed counsel at the government’s expense. 

Kathleen B. Simon - Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems,

his Note explores how the standard practice of removing a child without prior judicial authorization has quietly contributed to a civil rights crisis by enabling racial bias to go unchecked in the placement decision-making process.

Atenas Burrola - Human Rights Watch,

"A practice of tearing children apart from their parents to keep other immigrants from coming is abusive and completely indefensible," writes Human Rights Watch in regards to the U.S. policy of separating families who arrive from the U.S. - Mexico border.

Maria Scannapieco, Kirstin R. Painter, Gary Blau - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study had two purposes; first to examine mental health disparities among LGBTQ youth and their heterosexual peers who are involved in the child welfare system, and second to observe the effectiveness of systems of care with youth in child welfare and if any differences exist between LGBTQ youth and heterosexual youth.