United States of America

List of Organisations

Displaying 551 - 560 of 2153

List of Organisations

Amy M. Salazar - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study summarizes findings from caregiver usability tests, and provides a wide variety of caregiver-generated suggestions for improving foster and adoptive caregiver training curricula that are applicable to all caregiver training efforts.

Michael Weissenstein and Ben Fox - The Associated Press,

Haitian prosecutors have begun a criminal investigation into children's homes run by the Church of Bible Understanding in the United States, which held 154 children at the time of a February 13th fire that killed 13 children, according to this article from the Associated Press.

Adeya Richmond, Lynne M Borden - Journal of Social Work,

This article outlines key research on how motivational interviewing is an approach that strengthens positive youth development and can improve youth’s engagement in skills, resources, and services as they age out of foster care.

Kiera Coulter, et al - Journal on Migration and Human Security,

This article draws from surveys of 97 recently deported Mexican unaccompanied alien children (UAC), which examine their experiences with US immigration authorities. The study finds that Mexican UAC are detained in subpar conditions, are routinely not screened for fear of return to their home countries or for human trafficking, and are not sufficiently informed about the deportation process.

Human Rights Campaign,

This webinar features a panel of LGBTQ foster care alumni dedicated to creating change in the child welfare system.

Rebecca L. Butcher, M. Kay Jankowski, Eric D. Slade - Children and Youth Services Review,

A cost analysis was conducted as part of a 5-year, federally funded statewide demonstration project to install universal trauma screening in one U.S. state’s child welfare system.

Kristina M. Scharp & Lindsey J. Thomas - Journal of Social and Personal Relationships,

Framed by relational dialectics theory, a contrapuntal analysis of 104 photolistings examined the discursive tensions of what it means to be an “adoptable” child.

Michelle R. Munson, Colleen C. Katz, Nathanael J. Okpych, Mark E. Courtney - Journal of Adolescent Health,

The aim of the study was to document mental health service use (counseling and medication) among youth in foster care, examine how prepared they feel to manage their mental health, and investigate predictors of service use and preparedness.

Philip Mendes, Justin Rogers - The British Journal of Social Work,

This article interrogates formal public evaluations of extended care programmes with a particular focus on their eligibility criteria that have determined which groups of care leavers are included or alternatively excluded and the identified strengths and limitations of the programmes.

Kevin A. Gee - Children and Youth Services Review,

This quantitative study investigated how selected attributes of children (e.g., gender) and their microsystems (e.g., caregiving settings) related to the receipt of special education among a sample of 1855 child welfare-involved youth from the U.S. National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being II.