
List of Organisations

Displaying 11 - 20 of 79

List of Organisations

Family for Every Child,

Why is it so important to consider mental health and emotional well-being in child care and child protection? How can we address mental health needs in a non-clinical environment?

Family for Every Child,

This webinar shares the process that Family for Every Child is using to facilitate the development of global inter-agency guidance on Kinship Care, aimed at policy makers and programme managers.

Transforming Children's Care Global Collaborative Platform,

The Task Force on Foster Care of the Transforming Children's Care Global Collaborative Platform held the second spotlight webinar series on identifying foster carers on 5 May 2022.

Ilan Katz, et al - Child Abuse & Neglect,

The current discussion paper explored the impact of COVID-19 on child maltreatment reports and CPS responses by comparing countries using available population data.

Fernanda Speggiorin Pereira Alarcão, et al - Developmental Science,

This study aimed to test whether a home‐visiting intervention could improve early attachment relationships between adolescent mothers and their infants living in poverty in Brazil.

Family for Every Child,

In this How We Care series webinar, Family for Every Child presented the programming of three CSOs on how they are supporting kin carers and the vulnerable children in their care, in their respective regions.

Family for Every Child,

In this How We Care series, Family for Every Child presents the programming of three CSOs on how they are supporting kin carers and the vulnerable children in their care, in their respective regions.

Red Latinoamericana de Egresados de Protección, with DONCEL, Hope and Homes for Children and UNICEF,

The purpose of the research is to generate learning and recommendations to develop public policies to support the transition of adolescents and youth from the alternative care system to autonomous life in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.

Lucia C. A. Williams, Viviane Dutra Gama, Ricardo P. Oliveira, Sabrina Mazo D’Affonseca - Child Abuse & Neglect,

In this article, the authors present child abuse and neglect data available in Brazilian public health system platform and in a national childline reporting channel (Dial 100) from 2011-2017.

Sidnei R. Priolo Filho, Deborah Goldfarb, Murilo R. Zibetti, Carlos Aznar-Blefari - Child Abuse & Neglect,

Within the unique and understudied context of a developing economy facing the strain of an international pandemic, this study sought to expand our theoretical understanding of the individual and socio-ecological predictors of whether child protective services professionals engage in resilient behaviors.