
List of Organisations

Displaying 31 - 40 of 79

List of Organisations

Larissa Morélia Sá Vieira Macêdo, Kalina Vanderlei Silva, Débora Maria dos Santos Pinheiro de Lima, Lygia Maria Pereira da Silva - Ecological Engagement,

This chapter’s aim is to report the experience of using Ecological Engagement in a research of interdisciplinary character developed with teenage girls, aged 10–14, inserted in two care institutions for protection measures in Pernambuco state, Brazil.

Edinete Maria Rosa, et al - Ecological Engagement,

The objective of the work described in this chapter was to know the daily routine of a shelter for children aged 0 to 6 located in Espírito Santo and understand the factors involved in the psychosocial development of children in foster care.

Aline Cardoso Siqueira & Débora Dalbosco Dell’Aglio - Ecological Engagement,

This chapter aims to present and discuss the theoretical–methodological procedure of ecological engagement, used in a research with five adolescents in family reunification.

Rachel Baptista, Maria Helena Zamora, Eduardo Santos - International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) ,

This article examines the family reintegration process for those in care in Portugal and Brazil.

Gillian Mann y Emma de Vise-Lewis - Family for Every Child,

Pese a que hay un consenso sobre la importancia del cuidado efectivo en las familias para los niños, existe una falta de discusión y acuerdo sobre los componentes precisos de este cuidado. Este informe contribuye a debatir sobre este importante tema al proporcionar perspectivas de los grupos focales con 198 niños y 81 adultos de Brasil, Colombia, Egipto, México, Rusia, Ruanda y Zimbabue.

Gillian Mann and Emma de Vise-Lewis - Family for Every Child,

There is extensive research demonstrating clearly the importance of a safe and caring family for child wellbeing and development. While there is consensus on the importance of effective care in families for children, there is a lack of discussion and agreement about the precise components of this care. This report contributes to debates on the components of family care by providing perspectives from nearly 200 children and over 80 adults from Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Mexico, Russia, Rwanda and Zimbabwe. The report demonstrates that there are many commonalities in perspectives on and experiences of care across contexts.


El Seminario de RELAF tiene como fin fortalecer los procesos de desinstitucionalización mencionados e impulsar otros semejantes en el resto de los países.

Family for Every Child,

Family for Every Child would like to invite you to an Online Event to discuss models and systems for Kinship Care in Brazil. Pre-recorded presentations from three different speakers will be released on Wednesday 27 March. One week later on Wednesday 3 April at 13:00 UK time, they will host a live Q&A panel discussion with the featured presenters.

Family for Every Child,

This is the 3rd and final presentation in the Kinship Care in Brazil mini-series. Here, Claudia Cabral of Associação Brasileira Terra dos Homens describes the importance of considering the extended family when making decisions about children’s care, and efforts to advocate to the Brazilian government.

Family for Every Child,

This is the 2nd presentation in the Kinship Care in Brazil mini-series. Here, Jonathan Hannay of ACER Brazil, shares learning from a programme of formal therapeutics kinship care that draws upon the Breaking the Cycle approach. Correction: The number stated at 17:02 should be 4, not 17.