
List of Organisations

Displaying 51 - 60 of 79

List of Organisations

Sexual Violence Research Initiative,

On 18 September 2017, the Sexual Violence Research Initiative will hold its 5th international conference, the SVRI Forum 2017.

Lilian de Jesus Fontel Cunha Donato, Celina Maria Colino Magalhaes, and Laiane da Silva Corrêa - Scientific Research Publishing,

This study aimed to investigate the profile and care practices of educators teaching at institutional shelters for children in the state of Pará, comparing two contexts, the metropolitan region of Belém (RMB) and the interior region of the state (IE).

National Movement for Family and Community Coexistence,

The National Movement for Family and Community Coexistence, through its Executive Secretariat - ABTH, member of the RISE Network in Brazil; the Special Secretariat for Human Rights; the National Council on the Rights of Children and Adol

Fabiane Friedrich Schütz, Luciana Cassarino-Perez, Vitória Ermel Córdova - Psychosocial Well-being of Children and Adolescents in Latin America,

This chapter aims to (1) review results of recent studies, conducted in different countries, on the subjective well-being of children; (2) provide an overview of residential care in Brazil; (3) discuss recent research findings from the Research Group on Community Psychology (GPPC) of well-being in children in southern Brazil; and (4) discuss the specifics of the research context with children on state protection.


This article shows that little has been done to change the situation for street children in Salvador.

Joanna Rogers - Family for Every Child,

This report presents the findings from a study that aimed to explore the application in practice of the ‘necessity principle’ from the Guidelines on Alternative Care for Children (UN, 2009) by using three quantitative and three qualitative indicators that provide information about whether children and families have received support to the fullest extent possible before a child ends up outside of parental care arrangements in formal or informal care, or living alone. 

Messias Silvano da Silva Filho, Jose Antonio de Lima Neto, Ivana Rios Rodrigues, Modesto Leite Rolim Neto - Current Pediatric Research,

The results of this study suggest that the removal of a child from an institution and its transfer to an improved care environment can lead to a reduced risk of psychopathology, as well as promoting a better social, emotional and cognitive development.

Emily Delap and Payal Saksena – Family for Every Child,

This report examines what family means to children and adults in the following countries: Brazil, India, Guyana, South Africa, Egypt, Mexico, Russia, Kenya.  The storytellers use evidence from 59 short films made using digital storytelling technique.

Marit Ursin - Cogitatio, Social Inclusion,

This study examined patterns of prejudice along exclusionary and inclusionary practices involving young men living on the street within the area studied. This longitudinal and ethnographic study stretches over a decade and the same group of boys originally inhabiting one specific neighbourhood (Barra) in their transitions into adulthood. The research included participant observation, narrative interviews with young street dwellers, and semi-structured interviews with middle class residents, businesses, and police officers.

Save the Children,

This booklet is based on a recent internal desk review of Save the Children’s and partners’ work against physical and humiliating punishment of children, commissioned by Save the Children Sweden. It aims to present best practices, to show what methods have worked around the world, and to spread knowledge about results achieved and lessons learned when it comes to law reform and positive discipline.